Building Ethical Business Cultures: BRIC by BRIC
By Alexandre Ardichvili, Douglas Jondle, Jack Wiley, Edgard Cornacchione, Jessica Li & Thomas Thakadipuram
As the economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRICs) continue...
Youth Unemployment after the Financial Crisis: ‘Quo Vadimus’?
By Terence Tse, Mark Esposito, & Jorgo Chatzimarkakis
The financial crisis has damaged national economies but also hurt segments of societies, including youths aged 15...
Is Effective Waste Collection the key to a Circular Economy?
By Jonas Törnblom
As urbanisation intensifies and sustainability climbs higher up the global agenda, new solutions to old challenges are more important than ever. Waste...
Putin’s Russia: An Exemplary Case of Hyper-Extractive State
By Alexander Etkind
Due to Russia’s geographic scale and military might, it amplifies typical problems of many petrostates from Venezuela to Nigeria to Iran....
Refugees and Refugee Crises: Some Historical Reflections
By Peter Gatrell
The current Syrian refugee crisis provides an opportunity to look beyond the headlines and to locate it in a broader historical context....
New Capitalism: A Holistic Approach to Development
Interview with Jan Sturesson
Jan Sturesson is Global Leader of Government and Public Services Industry at PwC. In the following interview with The World Financial...
Luxury Taxation, Good for Economic Development?
By Patrick Imam
Developing countries are struggling to mobilise resources to finance social and infrastructural development. The author argues that one avenue is to tax...
China and Europe: Reconnecting Across a New Silk Road
by Xiangming Chen and Julia Mardeusz
Since 2013, economic and trade relations between China and Europe have grown significantly. In this article, the authors look...
The Responsibility to Participate: The Problem of Global Engagement in Responding to the...
By Charles H. Camp and Theresa Bowman
Despite the unanimous agreement of United Nations member states to commit as an international community to global humanitarian...
The Obstacles To Women’s Entrepreneurship In Europe And How To Deal With...
By Viviane De Beaufort
An increasing number of women are interested in creating their own business – yet even in the 21st century, there are...