America’s Never-Ending War in the Middle East

By Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett While President Obama continues – at least for now – to resist redeploying large numbers of U.S. soldiers...

Gearing Corporate Reporting to Promote Sustainable Development

By James X. Zhan The post-2015 sustainable development goals (SDGs) currently being devised by the international community cannot be fulfilled under the auspices of the...

Cities in a Global Order

By Simon Curtis The remarkable transformation of the world’s major cities over recent decades has been widely noted as being driven by a restructuring of...

A Watershed in the Financing of Infrastructure for Water Security

By John Briscoe Water is a basic necessity – crucial not only for sustaining life, but also for facilitating sustainable economic growth. Below, Professor John...

Climate Change: Legal, Financial, Economic and Risk Management Issues

By Tapen Sinha Human activities have accelerated the process of climate change. Since dealing with climate change requires collective action across countries and across...

Toward a New Global Russia: Leaving the BRICS Behind

By Terence Tse, Mark Esposito, and Olaf Groth While Russia’s growth in the early 2000s inspired confidence in its potential as a global economic powerhouse,...

Climate Change: What It Means for Us, Our Children, and Our Grandchildren

By J. F. C. DiMento, P. Doughman and S. Levesque Most of us are familiar with the terms climate change and global warming, but not...

The Constitution of Risk

By Adrian Vermeule How should we approach legal decisions regarding private property for public use? How can constitutional risk be managed in order to...

The Rise of the Petroyuan and the Slow Erosion of Dollar Hegemony

By Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett For seventy years, one of the critical foundations of American power has been the dollar’s standing as the...

The World Bank and Neoliberalism: Continuity and Discontinuity in the Making of an Agenda

By Howard Stein Since the latter part of the 1990s the World Bank has increasingly claimed its main focus is on poverty reduction and development....


Cyberspace Security and Data Protection and Privacy Verification Technology

The AI Arms Race

By Christian Jacob Everyone in the world of finance understands that fraud is a constant and ever-changing challenge. Fraudsters in the 19th and early 20th centuries used simple, hands-on techniques to perpetrate their crimes. The...



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