Technology is changing with the passage of each day. So, it is very important to keep yourself updated with all the latest tools and techniques to keep yourself benefited at every point in time. Have you heard about the hackathon? Are you a hackathon addict? People from a business background will never understand and would never expect all things can be done with the help of hackathons. Simply hearing this word sounds amazing, then just imagine what will be the experience with this. So in hackathons coding is done as it is built in a funny game. It keeps on brainstorming ideas and helps in exploring something new.
The day the people have started connecting to this, they are going deep inside into various techniques of UI/UX Design and web development that are very much in demand these days. It is seen different people have an addiction to this because of its so many benefits. The list of reasons people loving hackathons are stated as below:
1. Having fun
Participating in new things will help in exploring something new and quite fun. If you are the one that likes to the part of things that will be new and something fun. Hackathons are a great way of doing that, here you will get to experience many new things that will help interesting thing of the interest of the person.
2. Networking
To establish yourself in the market, you need to have networks. So, this is the reason why a hackathon is a great platform to form connections with the people that are in your field and share ideas with them. Having such a network in the future will provide an opportunity that might change the entire life of the person based on the talent and skills that the person has. So, it is very important to have meaning build networks with good people.
3. Find your next c-founder
It is good to come to a hackathon without a team even it is fine to come hackathon without an idea. As here you will get the knowledge of everything. Once you just come to the list of hackathons, you will automatically meet the people that will help in exploring new things. Just come to the project simple and join any project with the group. There you will know different things and you can discuss your views on it.
4. Embracing failures
Life is not all about having success. It is good to face some failures as it will help you to know the things in which the person lacks. The beauty of a hackathon is that there is no requirement for any sort of investment. Just you need is to have the right source of information and set of people that will help and guide you to explore new things. This will keep you motivated to invest the time in the things that will turn the wrong things into the right ones.
5. Nailing MVP
These have strict limits that will make you decide on the MVP that the person is aiming to present. Using this will help to make things ready and presentable in front of the people that will help in grabbing the attention of the public at large.
6. Challenge yourself
Hackathons are like marathons that keep the person in the race of competition. This thinking of competing will help the person to push the limits to a great extent so that a new thing can be processed from scratch that was impossible for the people to think of. Not only this, but hackathons also provide the results that give the person the rewards for the things that he has done.
7. Discover the hidden abilities
To stand out different in the public, it is very important to use all the abilities that you have. Even it is very important to explore new things that will further help in exploring the hidden talents of the person. Sometimes these hidden talents will help in making yourself aware of the things that you can do in the best possible way. Keep trying your skills in different fields so that you can come upon one decision that which one is the best for you.
8. Getting your hands on the new technology
Nowadays people’s favorite task is to keep exploring new things, With the help of hackathons it is very simple for people from the background of designers and web creators to get hands-on with the latest technology. The use of advanced technology is making things much simpler for you. It is very interesting to make the best use of these to get the best results. Earlier might not have ever thought that using a phone will do all the things for us. But it is now possible. So, it is good to access the latest technology.
9. Make your crazy ideas be the reality
Many a time there might be chances that the thing you are speaking of might be very crazy. But doing that crazy thing will provide the person with all the best results. With the help of Hackathons, it is easier the make your crazy ideas come into reality and prove to people that nothing is impossible in today’s life. There is no limit to the ideas and even to make them true there should not be any limit.
10. Learn a lot
There is no age to stop learning new things. People of any age, gender, profile, etc, should always keep on learning new things as it will let them know what all things are trending in the market. Hackathon is a platform for learning more and more new things. Learning new things will challenge the existing capabilities of the person and will surely push the person forward in life.
Once you are part of the online hackathon, it is a great experience of learning new things and see what you can do next. Technology is the best thing that ever happened to mankind. So, it should be used in the best possible way to get all the benefits.