Every person can have a beautiful and thriving indoor garden, even those without a green thumb. It’s best to start small with only a few plants and expand the garden over time. Plants help clean the air while beautifying the space. The following are a few ideas to help everyone create an indoor garden they love.
A Cannabis Garden
With marijuana legalized in many parts of the country today, men and women may want to try growing cannabis. This plant is well suited for indoor gardens if the owner has the proper setup. When shopping for marijuana seeds, growers must learn the requirements for each strain to ensure their indoor garden has the right equipment for the plants to thrive.
A Living Shelf
Certain plants love humidity and thrive in wet conditions. Ferns are an excellent example of a plant that does well in this environment. Trailing plants can be used to create a living shelf in a bathroom or any other room of the home. A string of pearls, a string of hearts, and golden pathos are other plants that can also be used to create the shelf.
Low-Light Gardens
Imagine turning the bedroom into an oasis for plants. Many people choose to do this today, as plants add oxygen to the air. They will be able to breathe better as they sleep. Bedrooms tend to be shadier than other rooms in the house, so plants must be carefully selected for a bedroom. Consider a Monstera plant combined with a fern and a Philodendron. All are well-suited for low-light conditions and will brighten up any room in the home.
When the home has limited space for plants, why not add a few terrariums? These small decorative items can be placed in nooks and crannies throughout the house to add visual interest. They are ideal for plants that would otherwise not thrive indoors and cost little to create.
Fool-Proof Plants
Some individuals feel they have a black thumb. No matter what they do, they cannot get plants to survive, much less thrive. Certain varieties of plants are difficult to kill, however, even if they are neglected for extended periods. Snake plants are a good example of a plant that thrives without much care. However, this plant is toxic to cats and dogs, so people must consider other plant species if they have pets in the home.
A Living Wall
A living wall is exactly as the name suggests: a wall made up of plants. Some people choose to plant an entire wall in the home, but many individuals only plant a small portion of a wall. Choose an area with plenty of light and select plants with similar care requirements, as they must be fed and watered simultaneously.
Air Plants
Certain plants don’t need soil to survive. They get the water they need through the leaves, making them perfect for various locations throughout the home. Many people choose air plants for use in the bathroom. If the bathroom doesn’t have windows, however, make certain they can tolerate low-light conditions.
Indoor gardens improve indoor air quality while beautifying a space. Learn more today about the many plants that can thrive indoors, including cannabis plants. There’s no better way to bring nature indoors.