business man having remote video conference call with his business team at the beach during vacation

By Lesley Cooper   

As our understanding of work and leisure evolves, the concept of ‘workcations’ – the idea of combining remote work with a holiday – has gained popularity among professionals around the globe. In the search for new ways to balance life and work, modern leaders will find that workcations offer the perfect opportunity to achieve this. 

While working from a new location may come with challenges, the advantages often surpass these hurdles. Sparking innovative ideas and a fresh perspective are obvious benefits to taking on a workcation, however, an improved work-life balance, a stronger team dynamic, a boost in productivity and attracting and retaining talent are also on the list, all of which help to reinvigorate both professional and personal growth.  

In this article, I will delve into four key benefits of workcations and discuss why leaders should consider implementing this practice into their business as well as life.  

Improves Work-Life Balance 

In today’s increasingly fast-paced and complex world, maintaining a good work-life balance is tough, especially for first-time CEO’s. With enhanced responsibilities and high levels of decision-making, they are prone to developing burnout and stress at a much faster rate.  

This is why workcations are a brilliant strategy for those wanting to avoid these feelings. Providing flexibility, blending remote work with a holiday allows individuals to tailor their work schedules around personal interests and activities. With this freedom, leaders can integrate work and leisure seamlessly, reducing the monotony of the typical office routine and alleviating stress and burnout.  

This integration of promoting a healthier balance between work responsibilities and personal enjoyment can encourage a more positive and balanced outlook on work and life.  

Strengthens Team Dynamics 

By stimulating closer relationships and improving collaboration, the relaxed and informal setting allows team members to interact more naturally with their manager. This environment helps break down communication barriers and encourages open discussions, which are vital for effective teamwork.  

In addition, when workcations are an annual occasion for the team, the time away from the pressures of daily work tasks can be the perfect opportunity to make meaningful connections, build stronger bonds and reinforce trust. As a manager, observing team interactions in such a setting provides valuable insights into team dynamics and individual strengths, enabling more effective leadership and support.  

Helps Attract and Retain Talent   

In addition to helping build a stronger team and improving work-life balance, workcations can be a powerful tool for leaders wanting to attract and retain talent. Offering this unique benefit is increasingly important to modern employees, and can emphasise the leader’s commitment to work-life balance.   

By incorporating workcations, the company can build a different culture around job satisfaction, providing a refreshing change from traditional office settings to allow employees to feel more relaxed and productive. Representing over 30% of the global population, Gen Z particularly appeals to this hybrid way of work and prioritises well-being in their career choices.  

Leaders can create a compelling employer brand that attracts high-calibre talent and retains dedicated employees, ultimately driving long-term success and stability for the organisation. 

Growth in creativity   

For some modern leaders, the traditional setup with its rigid routine and predictable environments can be challenging. While maintaining the same routine daily can reduce anxiety and provide a sense of control, it can also stifle creative thinking and innovation. The lack of variety can lead to mental stagnation, making it difficult to generate fresh ideas and innovative solutions.   

Stepping away from the usual work environment can inspire fresh ideas and enable leaders to approach tasks with renewed energy and a different perspective. In addition, working in a popular travel destination leaders can connect with local entrepreneurs, and attend industry events, allowing them to step outside of their comfort zones and bounce ideas off other individuals in the industry.  

Ultimately, workcations are an excellent strategy at both personal and business levels due to their numerous benefits, including growth in creativity, helping to attract and retain talent, stronger team dynamics and improvements in work-life balance. Despite the challenges they may pose, workcations offer a form of escapism, allowing individuals to step away from their usual work environment and see things from a fresh perspective, and with renewed energy.

About the Author

Lesley CooperLesley Cooper is a management consultant with over 25 years of experience in the design and delivery of all elements of employee well-being management programmes. In 1997 Lesley founded WorkingWell, an award-winning specialist consultancy that helps companies manage workplace pressure in a way that facilitates growth and development. She is also the co-author of Brave New Leader: How to Transform Workplace Pressure into Sustainable Performance and Growth