The United States Postal Service (USPS) exam can come across as daunting, and the reasons are not far fetched. Applicants have absolutely no idea when they would be mailed the test, and they have to complete it within the space of 72 hours—a very strict measure. This is because the test is not taken at a particular time of the year; once there are lots of applications, the exams just get sent out to those that have qualified to take it (based on the application process). Hence, applicants would have to rely on their residual knowledge, or how well they have been preparing.
For these reasons, it is not surprising that many people fail the USPC for job at the US Postal Service. If an applicant is looking to indeed land a job, they must not only aim to pass—they must aim to score very high. Hence, preparation is a non-negotiable process for such an applicant. But how does one prepare for the USPS exam? Here’s how:
Begin to Study Long Before the Exam
So many people fail this exam, and this is not usually because they are not intelligent. People fail because they did not prepare enough among a few other reasons. So, one thing is sure: you want to study well enough for this exam. This can be achieved only if you create enough time for this, and this is the whole point of beginning your study schedule many months before the exam.
Invest in Helpful Materials
This exam is no joke; you have to use every resource available to you. Postal exam guidebooks and practice tests sold online would be very useful. While purchasing them, you also need to be sure that they are up-to-date. Practice exams are usually found in study guides. Usually, these study guides also have strategies for studying, and other useful information.
Get Familiar With the Forms the Postal Service Uses
It can be overwhelming to get to the section of the exam where you would have to answer lots of questions about the forms used by the Postal Service. While using practice questions and knowing the correct answers are great, nothing beats knowing the in and out of the forms used by the postal service, especially the common ones.
If the exam happens to be the first place you see the form, things may get really confusing. To avoid this, study the common forms and know how to fill them. You may have issues with the big wordings at first, but proper studying will sort this out.
Practice How to Identify the Differences between Addresses
A part of the exam will require you to point out if two addresses are or aren’t identical. The questions will be centered around if the zip codes, street addresses, and numbers are the same or different. You will have only 10 seconds to determine each of these, so you have to be used to doing this. You can try doing this at home long before your exams, such that it becomes a piece of cake for you. You should also learn several delivery routes and know them by heart, before taking the exam.
While we have mentioned very specific points in this article, do not forget the general tips for writing exams, as they also apply. Get enough sleep before taking the test, stay focused during the exam, manage your time well, and be willing to make an educated guess in sections where there are no penalties for guessing answers. As for the parts of the exam that checks for personality, remember to be honest.
All the best!