Yana Daryeva

Interview with Yana Daryeva of YD Event Management

From a solo endeavor to a thriving team, Yana Daryeva, Founder of YD Event Management, transformed a one-woman operation into a dynamic organization of hundreds. Discover the milestones, strategies, and challenges faced during this remarkable journey. Learn how vision, team-building, and innovative approaches fueled growth and maintained a personal touch throughout the expansion. 

What were the key milestones and strategies in transforming your one-woman operation into a thriving team of hundreds? 

From the outset, our vision was clear: we aimed to provide exceptional service and create unique experiences. This focus guided our goal-setting process and shaped our early efforts. A major turning point came when we transitioned from a one-woman operation by hiring our first employee. It was crucial to bring in a small, dedicated team that shared the same passion for excellence. This team laid the foundation for our growth. 

Our client base began to expand rapidly thanks to early successes with high-profile clients. These successes built our reputation, leading to word-of-mouth referrals that fueled further growth. As demand for our services increased, we scaled our operations by expanding into different regions and diversifying the services we offered. This expansion was essential to managing our growing client base.  

Building a strong company culture was another key milestone. We placed a strong emphasis on fostering a positive, innovative environment that not only helped retain talent but also ensured that everyone remained aligned with our vision.  

We placed a strong emphasis on fostering a positive, innovative environment that not only helped retain talent but also ensured that everyone remained aligned with our vision.  

Throughout this journey, several strategies have been critical to our success. First and foremost, we have always prioritized quality, ensuring that no matter the size of the event or team, the highest standards were maintained. This commitment to quality has been a key driver of our growth. Additionally, our ability to stay ahead of industry trends and adapt to changing client needs has kept us competitive and relevant. 

We also integrated sustainability and ethical practices into our business strategy, which resonated strongly with our clients and positioned us as a forward-thinking leader in the industry. Finally, maintaining a client-centric approach has been central to our success. By keeping the client’s vision at the heart of every decision, we’ve been able to build long-term relationships and secure repeat business, which has further fueled our expansion. 

How do you identify and hire individuals who align with your vision and commitment to excellence in event planning? 

First, I ensure that the company’s vision and commitment to excellence are clearly communicated  from the very beginning. During the hiring process , I look for candidates who have demonstrated extraordinary creative ideas, are thinking out of the box, and are able to deal with all kinds of stressful situations. 

Can you share your approach to raising capital and how this could be helpful for businesses to drive growth? 

My approach to raising capital begins with a thorough analysis of the business growth opportunities and financial needs. Once a clear strategy is in place, I carefully consider the best funding source, whether it be equity, debt, or venture capital, depending on the situation. I place great emphasis on building strong relationships with investors and presenting a compelling vision for the company’s future. Once capital is secured, I allocate it strategically to areas that will drive the most significant growth, such as expanding into new markets, investing in technologies, or strengthening our team. 

What steps could you share with businesses to clearly articulate their long-term vision and mission for their business? 

  1. Envision the future: Consider where the business wants to be in the next 5,10, or even 20 years. This long-term vision should be aspirational and paint a clear picture of the company’s desired future state. It should inspire and motivate stakeholders, including employees, customers, and investors.
  2. Align with business strategy: Ensure that the vision and mission are aligned with the overall business strategy. They should guide decision-making and serve as a framework for setting goals and objectives.

Vision always shall be: To be the global leader in sustainable event management, creating experiences that inspire positive change and leave a lasting impact on communities.” 

How do you determine the key roles critical to growing your business, and what advice would you give to entrepreneurs about building a strong foundation?

To be the global leader in sustainable event management, creating experiences that inspire positive change and leave a lasting impact on communities.

First, you have to analyze current and future needs. Then, you shall prioritize core functions (such as sales, marketing, operations, and finance). Consider scalability (as you grow, you will need to add roles that can handle increasing demands, such as project management, IT support, and business development)  

Advice for Entrepreneurs on building a strong foundation:  

  1. Hire for attitude and potential: When building your team, prioritize candidates who align with your company’s values and culture. Skills can be taught, but attitude and passion are harder to change. Look for individuals who are adaptable and eager to learn and share your vision for the business.
  2. Invest in leadership: A strong leadership team is essential for growth. Invest in hiring or developing leaders who can set clear goals, motivate the team, and drive the company forward.
  3. Focus on process and efficiency: As you grow, efficient processes become increasingly important. Invest in systems and tools that streamline operations, reduce waste, and improve productivity.

What challenges did you face while scaling your business, and how did you overcome them to maintain your personal touch and reputation for creativity?

Oh, a lot:) As the business scaled, it became challenging to maintain the high standards of quality and creativity that had defined its success. We had to ensure that new team members met these standards, and it was a key challenge. 

With growth, it was difficult to maintain the same level of personal interaction with clients, which was possible when business was smaller. The risk of becoming too impersonal was my concern, and until now, I’m worried about it.  

Scaling introduced new complexities in operations, such as coordinating larger teams, handling more client accounts, and managing expanded logistics. How are we overcoming this? Eh, usually with struggle 🙂  

We use new systems, establish clear processes, delegate responsibilities and empower team leaders, and we maintain a personal touch with clients. We deal with all kinds of stress every day. 


Executive Profile 

Yana Daryeva

Yana Daryeva, owner and Creative Director of YD Event Management, is a celebrated event planner known for her creative brilliance and dedication. At 20, she scaled Mount Everest, demonstrating her resilience. Fluent in multiple languages, Yana effortlessly bridges cultures, ensuring every event she orchestrates is a memorable ascent to new heights.