
There is a simple answer to what you will do in retirement? That is, anything you like. However, it can often be challenging to focus on something particular when faced with unlimited opportunities. Therefore, here are nine great ideas of things to do in retirement.

1. Travel 

Publications such as the Financial Times have reported on the rise of senior travellers. Today nowhere seems too far for the 50 to 80-year-old adventurer. Tour operators are tapping into this new age of older travellers by offering packages to any worldwide location.

Here are a few stats from ABTA to back up these claims:

  • The age group most likely to travel alone is 75+ (22%).
  • Solo travellers in the 55-64 age bracket increased by 11% in 2018. 
  • 40% of solo travellers in the 55-64 age bracket hope to develop new friendships on their travels.

You can find such tours, including made in Turkey tours, offered by many travel operators. There are dedicated events such as destinations where tour operators showcase their travel options. 

2. Have more family time

Retirement may be filling you with glee about having an empty home, free of family distractions. However, it also presents you with an opportunity to create new memories with those you love. 

An excellent way to do this is through a multi-generational holiday. So-called 3G holidays enable you to have fun and enjoy yourself away from work and everyday life pressures. 

Another option is to combine family time with some travel. For instance, you may want to visit relatives who live abroad, and your retirement is an ideal time to do this.

Of course, you may occasionally look after your grandchildren. If this is the case, and you are under 65, it could help you boost your State Pension. You could qualify for child tax credits to fill any gaps in your national insurance contributions. To check if you are eligible, visit the website.

3. Part-time work

Retirement used to mean giving up work entirely. However, today, attitudes towards work have changed. Many people choose to work part-time in their retirement, and this has benefits. For instance, it allows you to stage your retirement and keep contributing to a pension for when you retire fully.

Thanks to pension freedoms, you have more options to access your retirement funds from age 55. Again, this enables you to cut your hours back in your existing employment. Alternatively, you can seek part-time work in a new field or do something that allows you to learn new skills. 

4. Do more walking

There are three significant benefits of walking: it’s good for your health, meeting new people, and being free. Some National Trust sites may charge you to walk around. However, if you’re over 60, you can receive a discounted membership.

For local walking events, consider contacting ramblers, and they can put you in touch with a local walking group. You could also discover dog walking opportunities by searching the Borrow My Doggy website.

5. Stay mentally agile

There is no better way of staying mentally agile than learning something new. OpenLearn offers a massive range of courses from music to mathematics and biology to business studies. A great aspect of these courses is that you can study at the pace you wish.

If you fancy something a bit more formal, consider returning to school as a mature student. Regardless of your academic qualifications, you may secure a university place based on your skills and experience.

Alternatively, why not use your retirement to explore your creative side? You could take courses in jewellery making, sketching, or other creative skills. An excellent place to look for creative classes in your local area is at your nearest public library. 

6. Volunteer

Volunteering enables you to help others, keep busy, and make new friends. There will be countless opportunities to volunteer in your local area. You could look on the Do-it website to check some of these out.

For instance, you might want to provide some career support or do some fundraising for a charity. Other opportunities include wildlife protection, care home visiting, or supporting local children’s centres. 

7. Move somewhere warm

Sitting the family down and explaining your decision to emigrate to sunnier shores could be greeted with a wall of silence! However, once they get used to the idea and realise it means cheaper holidays, they’ll soon come around.

Many Brits spend their retirement years overseas, with Bulgaria, Spain, and Portugal as popular destinations. Before setting off to your new home overseas, ensure you understand your welfare rights, cost of living, exchange rate, and availability of healthcare. For information on claiming the State Pension while living overseas, check out the website. 

8. Take up blogging

You would be wrong if you thought YouTube channels or blogging were only for your grandchildren. Gramma and Ginga Attracted more than 300,000 followers at the combined age of 203.

After a lifetime of work, gathering skills and knowledge, your experience will be invaluable to many worldwide. You might be surprised by the audience you attract. Indeed, it could lead to endorsements and sponsorships to supplement your pension, or maybe more! 

9. Make yourself comfortable

According to YouGov, almost 30% of Brits anticipate having insufficient funds for their retirement. Even worse, 15% are definite in this assessment. Planning for your retirement is crucial. It will give you the comfort of being financially secure when you stop working and enable you to do more of the things you want.

A significant proportion of your retirement income will likely come from a pension. Therefore, you should ensure that these funds have the best opportunity to grow.

Unfortunately, high management charges and underperformance can erode your pension funds. By checking your pension regularly, you will notice if these are occurring and can take necessary action to correct things. If you need help doing this, you should consult a regulated financial advisor. They will help ensure your pension is working for you and maximise your chances of having a comfortable retirement lifestyle. Check out Portafina.