Online dating matches

Online dating has revolutionized the way people meet. With millions of users swiping every day, odds are your match is out there. But there’s a catch: to stand out in the online dating world, you have to have great photos.

Before they even think about reading your bio, swipers need to feel some sort of attraction to the way you present yourself in your photos. You only have 1-2 seconds to pique someone’s interest and make them curious about you. If you’re not putting your best foot forward, you’re missing out on opportunities that could end up changing your life.

For Nick Friesen and Shane White, founders of The Match Artist, it’s personal. Nick was a professional wedding and headshot photographer when he first learned about facial expression coaching. He dug deep, studying facial muscles, bone structure, and microexpressions. He put his work to the test with Shane, who was single at the time and had outdated, low-quality photos on his online dating profile. When Shane’s online dating apps exploded, eventually leading to his engagement, they knew they had something real. 

“We realized two things,” Shane recalls. “First was that facial expression coaching works to increase matches. Second was that no one else in the industry was doing this. That’s when we decided to start The Match Artist.”

While they were busying themselves helping new clients elevate their dating profiles, Nick discovered he had fallen in the same trap as many of his clients: focusing on work and neglecting his personal life. When he finally applied The Match Artist methodology to himself, he met his fiancée. 

“I’d been completely focused on growing our new business that I’d forgotten about my own dating life,” Nick admits. “It was crazy to realize I was making the same mistakes as our clients. Once I applied The Match Artist strategy to my own dating profiles, it opened new doors and enabled me to meet the love of my life.”

Since then, The Match Artist has helped more than 700 people improve their match rates and find meaningful connections and even launched a sister company The Wedding Artist to capture their love stories.

One Match Artist client, Brent, said, “The change was immediate after I posted the pictures, even without changing my bio much. The pictures showed that I actually put work into my profile and I think that’s what women want to see… they want to see that you put effort into yourself as well as into a relationship.”

Those who have experienced success after working with The Match Artist are continually shocked to see how much photos make a difference. Authentic photos and the right facial expressions truly change how swipers view and interact with their profiles. 

Rohit says, “Hiring The Match Artist was the best decision I’ve ever made for my dating life. I don’t just get more matches. I’ve seen a difference in women’s attitudes toward me. The flake rate is down to almost zero.”

That’s because facial expression training isn’t just about what’s on the surface. It’s a complete lifestyle transformation. Facial expression coaching teaches you how to look genuinely confident while showcasing your best features and your personality. The Match Artist team has learned how to highlight each person’s unique features and coach them in how to control their microexpressions accordingly so their photos stay true to who they are. This coaching often extends beyond just the photos. It’s helped hundreds of guys grow in confidence in every area of life. 

Learning to appreciate yourself and get excited about your life—and having the right photos to capture it—is a game changer. And that, my friends, is what will help you get more matches.

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