Osmium Fork

Forks have long been considered a phenomenon of the blockchain world. But now there is also a fork for crystalline osmium. This is the hardest platinum metal and the metal with the highest density among all elements. The fork offers great opportunities, especially for investors. This article shows what will change with the osmium fork, what advantages it offers the jewelry industry and what changes can be expected.

Price reductions and free compensation deliveries of osmium fork – an overview of the current changes

Since June there is the anticipated osmium fork, which was carried out by the osmium institutes within the ESG-M specifications. This fork resulted in a price adjustment for crystalline osmium. The effects of the fork are shown, among other places, on the website www.osmium-preis.com.

The price per gram is now €1,184.23. This means a discount of 34.814%. Furthermore, the proud owners of osmium can order free compensation shipments to balance their stocks.

What does the osmium fork entail?

Unlike in the blockchain world, forks in precious metals were considered something very special. Forks are performed whenever there is a change in the blockchain protocol on the part of a community. So, this is the case when something is changed in the rulebook of a blockchain. As a result, a second blockchain is created whose previous course is similar to the original chain. The only difference is that the blockchain takes a new direction from now on. Forks do not only exist with regard to precious metals, but also with cryptocurrencies, among others.

Osmium institutions are thus entering completely new territory with their ESG-M requirements. The aim of this is to pass on the optimized production prices of the crystallization refinery in Switzerland to the market. In the process, the owners who have purchased at higher prices are not to be disadvantaged.

It is this fork that offers the expanding jewelry market in particular the option of purchasing crystalline osmium at a particularly favorable price. More manufacturers will then be able to offer jewelry made from osmium, and existing manufacturers will be able to expand their inventories.

Current owners of osmium forks will receive an email from the Osmium Institute in their country. This will enable them to receive compensation shipments of crystalline osmium. This is based on their existing inventory.

Why osmium offers an advantage over other precious metals

The prices of gold and silver develop very differently to each other. The price relationship between them can be used as a decision-making aid for switching to the other metal. But why switch to osmium now? Because crystalline osmium is considered the most modern of the precious metals. It has a high number of superlatives, of which the highest value density of all non-radioactive elements is a outstanding feature. From April 2024, special customers will be able to visit the HNWI center in Murnau am Staffelsee, Germany. Likewise, the 2024 International Osmium Symposium will be held at the headquarters of the German Osmium Institute. After the previous symposia in Singapore, Dubai, Brazil, Spain and Croatia, the interest in osmium is now becoming more present in Germany.

Here’s what’s happening with compensation deliveries

Compensation deliveries can be compared to the impact that a stock split can have. Some owners may not receive compensation for technical reasons. If so, they are encouraged to contact an osmium institute. With their Osmium identification code and possibly an owner change code, a request can be started. The hotline for such requests can be reached at +49 (89) 7 44 88 88.

These compensation deliveries represent a challenge for the osmium institutes. After all, thousands of packages have to be shipped all over the world. In the event of delivery difficulties, owners who already own osmium and have a right to the aforementioned compensation delivery should contact the responsible osmium institute.

How the jewelry industry benefits

Major jewelry associations strongly support the market. As a result, crystalline osmium is increasingly being used in the exclusive jewelry market. The high-quality alternative to diamond carpets, which involve much more work, is becoming more and more established – especially since diamond prices have now fallen.

The key technology that makes the valuable precious metal so popular is the crystallization of flat discs and a high degree of purity. The special process makes it possible to achieve an exploitation rate of around 8-9% – and without increased energy input. Inlays of up to 9.5 cm from just one piece are possible per production run.

This is how osmium forks have a positive effect on the market

It is not likely that there will ever be a comparable fork. After all, the osmium fork offers numerous major advantages. The physical production limits with the diameter achieved are considerable. In addition, simultaneous crystallization can reduce costs. On the other hand, the prices for the raw unit, refining and certification remain the same. The savings in terms of energy and effort are very noteworthy.

Owners receive free compensation goods to get the equivalent value in their personal osmium stocks. The personal capital investment, on the other hand, remains unchanged. This makes the osmium fork a popular monetary investment.

On the other hand, the delivery of offsets reduces the total amount of crystalline osmium in the inventory. This in turn means that an Osmium BigBang or an Osmium ThinOut is getting closer.


The fact that osmium forks now exist is a great advantage for the market. There are many changes as a result – owners of osmium in particular will benefit in the form of compensation.

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