In the world of law, online-based solutions and Internet resources always come second to a face-to-face consultation. A client may know what it is they’re looking for, but it really is up to an attorney to assess whether or not the person in front of them is a good fit for the services offered. With that said, clients more than ever are ditching the phonebook and turning to their computers for immediate answers. It only makes sense for your firm to stay competitive and up-to-date in this technological world by having a responsive and robust web presence. This keeps potential clients lining up at the door. But, how does one generate traffic? How does one get their name out there? Well, analytics aside, there are two ways to generate a high volume of traffic: There is pay per click, and there is search engine optimization. Determining which option is best for you relies heavily on what your immediate goals are and your projected timelines. But all in all, search engine optimization, or SEO, is a tremendous way to build a lasting presence on the Internet. But before we get into that, let’s dive a little bit into what SEO and pay per click entail.


What is Pay-per-click?

Pay-per-click is a business advertising model in which search engines such as Google advertise your page. You pay a nominal fee every time somebody clicks on it, hence the name. This model has its upsides, mainly you automatically get to the front page. But because of these fees, you’re paying for people to just browse. Now, the nature of Internet users is rooted in the environment and volume. More often than not, they probably have 25 tabs open at the same time and they are bouncing back-and-forth, exiting and reopening. If an individual click on your link, exits, and returns, you’ve basically paid double for the same user’s singular experience.


Search Engine Optimization For Attorneys

SEO is a technique employed that strives to make sure your website is seen on a given search engine. It utilizes words and phrases that are most commonly searched and adds value, in the eyes of the search engine, to your website. The better your content, the more people link to your page. The more people link your page, the higher it is ranked by the search engine. The higher the ranking, the more likely it is to show up on the first page. Search engine optimization is a lot like a digital form of a verbal recommendation. Your firm has a stellar performance for a client, and they tell their peers how good of a job you did. Those peers become leads and those leads become clients. On the front end, it’s as simple as that.


Finding The Right SEO Expert

When it comes to your law firm, you have three options for who to hire: You can either hire an independent SEO consultant, employ the services of an existing business, or build your own in-house SEO team. Like any industry, a good optimizer will not be cheap. According to Doug Mills, the founder of, your website is the number one determinant of a lawyer’s lead conversion. And if you are looking for a bargain, you’re more likely to run into problems in performance and contractors cutting corners. That can potentially cripple your chances of getting reasonable visibility as a lawyer. Be sure to ask the right questions before hiring anybody. Ask about their methodology is. Ask if they know anything about the world of law and lead conversion. Ask how they would stack up against in-office consultation numbers. When it comes to increasing the ROI for attorneys, having effective law firm software is important. PracticePanther’s comprehensive guide to law firm software can be a great resource for lawyers wanting to streamline their operations and increase their online presence. This is done within a given monthly budget, unlike the potential money sink that is pay per click. It really is the wisest choice for your bottom line as a lawyer. Do a little bit of research, and with due diligence, you’ll be on your way to moving with the rest of the world on digital platforms.


What This Means For You

As a law firm, you are dealing with a potential client base that is doing a lot of shopping. They may go back-and-forth between you and your competitor, taking notes and figuring out who is best for them. If you stick with the pay per click model, you risk the burden of massive additional costs for people unsure about what they want. It makes more sense to allocate a monthly budget to a service that boosts the ranking of your firm’s website and from that, organically generate more clicks and links from leads.


To Wrap Up

Navigating the world of digital marketing for your law firm may seem like a necessary evil or even a hassle for those who are not accustomed to it. But rest assured that this is the number one way to evolve and grow your business firm. Not only does it hold the potential for exposure to potential clients, but it also makes sure that your business practice is up to date and thriving in the twenty-first century.