Global Economy
The Rise of the Petroyuan and the Slow Erosion of Dollar Hegemony
Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett

Brazil: Shaping a New Strategy for Global Trade & Investment
Marcos Troyjo   

How Finance is Shaping the Economies of China, Japan, and Korea
Yung Chul Park, Hugh Patrick, and Larry Meissner

EU Post-Crisis Resilience and Fragility: Collateral Damage or Global Recovery
Irene Finel-Honigman

The Bubble Economy: Is Suitable Growth Possible?
Robert U Ayres


Global Governance
The National Origins of Policy Ideas
John L. Campbell and Ove K. Pedersen

The World Bank and Neoliberalism: Continuity and Discontinuity in the Making of an Agenda
Howard Stein

TPP and Global Governance
Junji Nakagawa

Science & Technology
Genetic Technology in the Global Economic Environment
Richard C. Jennings

Embedding Security in the Internet of Things
Jim Carlsson


Luxury Industry
Luxury Brands Need to Chart a Course into New Frontier Markets
Glyn Atwal and Douglas Bryso


Media & Culture
Internationalising Media Studies
Daya Thussu

Interpretation of Happiness and the Sense of Happiness
BAO Zonghao


Healthcare Industry
China’s Path to Health Policy Reform
Åke Blomqvist

A System Perspective on India’s Healthcare Industry
Lawton Robert Burns


Urban Development
Urban Development In India
A. Panagariya, P. Chakraborty & M. Govinda Rao