Bitcoin or virtual currencies are now becoming popular with every passage of time. We have seen it become part and parcel of the market to buy different products. Right from Square to Tesla and PayPal, we have different companies coming up to allow people to invest in digital currency and gain massive benefits. Now, we hear that even the NGOs and the non-profit based groups and institutes are joining the show. Yes, you heard it right; as per the latest report, the Human Trafficking Institute, popularly known as the HTI, is now accepting Bitcoin donations. Yes, they will now accept their payments using Bitcoin and other virtual currencies when accepting donations. So, yes, you are right; if you are among those who intend to donate, you can even pay in Bitcoin or any other digital currency. One of these includes HTI, which is one of the NGOs going to accept Bitcoin donations.

If you explore how bitcoin changed the world, one can find more on this topic. The Human Trafficking Institute is back in the news for accepting Bitcoin donations as per their statement released to one of the Bitcoin Magazine sites. The said institute will soon be going to leverage the bitcoin payments technology of OpenNode. This helps in accepting the lighting network and on-chain option for carrying out the BTC donations. It is not very evident when and how the institute would start getting the money in Bitcoin. Is this plan temporary, or do they plan to manage things quickly? If you are not aware of the group – HTI, some groups are intended to solve and address global issues that come up with support from the key currency, which can be employed over the globe as per the statement.

As you dig deep, Human Trafficking Institute often works with its partner nation for reducing human trafficking. It comes with the help of establishing specialized units for implementing anti-trafficking laws that can further help create a different academic group for training and arming with the help of embedding experts within a few teams for working in different cases. While talking about the same, the institute CEO, V Boutros, said that he and his institute is very much excited to be a part of the group OpenNode when it comes to getting support for their work. He further added that he feels that the company can find out the right kind of potential of digital currencies. He even said that accepting Bitcoin can help his organization, and they intend to work in their decided field and thus reduce the issue of human trafficking. It comes up working in tandem within the justice system to capture the traffickers and help the law take the right action.

With this new donation vehicle, one can find too many supporters donating sound money from anywhere that comes in the world via different Bitcoin networks. With the help of the lighting payment option, one can find more and more people getting attracted to the same. It comes up with the help of enabling quick donations at a virtual platform without any cost to help in empowering the humanitarian work of the institution. It would help in stopping the traffickers in a big way along with helping the victims. He further added that every trafficker needs to be stopped, and with the donation you get, you can help people enjoy the best experience. With this decision, one can find too many people getting the chance to submit their donations with the help of Bitcoin and other digital currencies.

The donation is only possible with the help of the payment platform called OpenNode. It is a payment infrastructure provider. The company helps people and businesses to get systems that help in accepting Bitcoin as a payment with the help of reducing the friction that is found between traditional currencies coming along with the Bitcoin network. The company came into the market three years back in 2018, and it has been no looking back for the group. They have helped many traders and merchants to benefit from the quick settlement without incurring no or low transaction costs that are made possible with the help of a monetary network. Reference URL – Human Trafficking based NGO to Accept Bitcoin Donations.

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