logo designing

Your logo is a visual representation of your brand and everything it represents. At first glance, it should reflect the personality and promise of your brand. Ideally, it is memorable and stands out from the crowd.

If you’re starting a blog or small business, you may not have the resources to hire a designer to design logo. This guide was created to help small business owners with no design experience understand how to create effective logos. What is a logo? The logo symbolizes the brand identity. It conveys important information about who you are and what you are doing. When the original logo is well designed, people will feel certain emotions. Another way to create a professional logo design for your business is to rely on a creative design agency. A logo design Las Vegas agency can help you create a unique and memorable logo that will make a lasting impression of your brand.

Relevant logos sell the company’s story and give the consumer a snapshot of what you do without explaining it. A logo way into the minds and hearts of people in the long run. That’s the reason the Facebook logo vector had a complete makeover when they branded it ‘Meta’

Think about the services you offer and your business niche. What relevance or assumptions do you want to evoke when a potential customer sees your logo? The logo gives your website an identity, but you need to understand why it’s so important. The branding process has different phases and elements. Your unique logo design and proper use are a big part of it.

Step 1. Understand what makes a good logo

Your job is to connect dots and make your website and brand recognizable as soon as people see your logo. In this case, your marketing efforts are much more effective. The fact of the matter is that most people form an emotional connection with the brand they have had a positive experience with because of their history and personality.

The next time they think of something related to your niche, your domain name and logo should be the first image that comes to mind. The audience should be able to distinguish the logo from the various brand logos on the shelves and select the product based on the fact that it is associated with quality, cost-effectiveness, or other attributes you want to know.

Step 2. Discover Effective Logo Principles

To successfully create a logo, you need to follow some principles. As a beginner in the world of logo design, you need to train your mind to adopt a creative thinking process that will allow you to come up with unique designs. You should be able to do this if you understand the following principles:

  • Simplicity is important. Designers are consistently overdoing it when it comes to logos. However, the most popular logo stands out for its simplicity. Nike and Apple are great examples. Everyone on the planet knows these logos and their motto. Obviously, there is a subtle line between exaggeration and understatement, which can be the biggest challenge for logo design.
  • Must be recognizable. The logo should be prominent and easily recognizable even from a distance. Of course, a lot of research needs to be done here, but it’s worth it. The evolution of the Apple logo is a good example of this principle.
  • Flexibility is very important. The logo should be recognizable regardless of the size or medium it is displayed on. It should work in both color and black and white, signs and business cards, corners of web pages as seen from your smartphone,  keychains, and mugs. Overly complex logos do not convert well to smaller formats.
  • It must reflect the individuality of the company. It is possible to create a great logo that lacks the right spirit. A good example is to use playful colors and cartoon-like fonts when creating a reputable law firm logo. This is a big problem. However, this process can take a variety of less obvious mistakes. Therefore, it is very important to clearly define your business.

Step 3. Learn the types of logos you can create

Now that you understand the basic principles, it’s time to explore the types of logos and get used to the options.

Different types of logos help you find the right tone for maximum personalization.

Step 4. Get Inspiration and Check the Competition

Even professionals can find it difficult to find inspiration when they start working on a new logo for their clients. As a beginner, it’s no wonder that you’re having a hard time deciding where to start.

One of the easiest ways to get started is to look at your competitors. Google search for similar sites to see what logos they have. Examine those icons and fonts to understand the color combinations used to create a particular effect on your logo.

Once you find something you like, search for similar images to see what the masses are using. But keep in mind that you’re just looking for inspiration. Do not try to copy competitors. Not only does it look ridiculous, but stealing someone else’s design can get you into trouble.

Step 5. Review Logo Design Rules Used by Experts

To inexperienced people, the logo may look like a simple little image that no one cares about. But the truth is completely different. Often small, logos can be complex projects before they become simple “icons”. To be easily recognizable, you need to follow some rules.

Step 6. Create  a logo with a free design platform

Nowadays, there are various logo design tools. Of course, some of them will be paid, for example, B. Photoshop. However, there are also many high-quality free tools out there. Some of them are really nice and don’t have a steep learning curve.

Shopify’s Hatchful is the perfect tool if you’re completely stuck or don’t know how to proceed. It will ask you some questions about your logo needs and will give you many different options to choose from for the basic design of your logo. Squarespace logo makers, on the other hand, are great for creating minimalist logos.

Then there is Canva. A highly regarded free online design tool, perfect for logo design. Or, you can also look for canva alternatives.


It may require several attempts. Unfortunately, it takes a few attempts to get the perfect logo. Especially if this is your first time designing a logo. Like most skills, it takes time and practice to be good. So if you’re not happy with your first attempt, that’s fine. Please try again.

Most professional designers do not get the logo correctly on the first attempt because the design is a completely iterative process. So don’t be too discouraged. If you are not happy with the design of the logo, you have two options.

The first is to redesign. The second is to start over and try again. As you repeat your design, you should aim to make a few small changes at once. Maybe change the color palette or font. Try different shapes or try completely different design tools. By the way, design tools often come with a variety of pre-built assets,  one of which can be the key to properly creating a logo design or try again from the beginning.

Choose a new set of inspirational designs and repeat the entire process outlined in this article. Each time you repeat the logo design process,  not only will you get closer to the perfect logo, but you will also be better at designing your logo.

Don’t get frustrated, keep going. You got it!