So, you’ve been charged with a DUI. A DUI can significantly impact your life by revoking your license, creating a permanent mark on your records, or racking up hefty fees. However, don’t panic. You can make the process as smooth as possible by following a few simple tips. Here’s a couple of steps you should take immediately after receiving a DUI. 

Determine if you need an attorney

The consequences of a DUI can include suspension of your driver’s license, paying fees, and a court date. If that seems daunting, and you’re unsure how to proceed, a DUI attorney can be an excellent resource. Find an attorney with experience handling DUI cases to help you through your hearing and filling out paperwork. A DUI attorney is beneficial if you plan to plead not guilty and help you build a case in your defense. 

Arrange a ride home

After a DUI, you will likely be taken to a police station to be processed. Depending on your age or if this is your first DUI offense, you may be at the police station for several hours. You may have to stay overnight to sober up. Once you are released, call someone to take you home to begin preparing for the consequences of your DUI. 

Locate your car

Your car was probably towed and impounded. The police will have the information on where your vehicle is and the number you need to call to contact the towing company. Make sure to call and set up a time to pay the towing fee and retrieve your car. 

Find temporary transport

If your driver’s license is suspended, you will need to make alternate arrangements to get from place to place. See if you can carpool with a coworker or find a public transit route near you. Ride-sharing apps are also a good resource for hitching a lift. If you live close to where you work, you could even walk. 

Work towards getting your license again

Not being able to transport yourself can be an inconvenient pain. To get your driver’s license back as soon as possible, make sure you attend and complete any treatment course or therapy assigned to you. Pay any fees necessary. The best way to get your license back is to cooperate and show you will not drive under the influence again. 

Don’t let your DUI consume your thoughts

It’s only natural that you be worried about the outcomes and impacts of your DUI. However, don’t let your fears and concerns about your DUI overwhelm you. It’s a stressful situation, but you will get through it. Contact loved ones for support. Talk to your DUI attorney when any questions arise and don’t ruminate over the consequences of your DUI. 

Wrap up

Getting a DUI can be a distressing experience. However, a DUI can also help you learn and grow as a person. With the right attitude and some legal help, you can get your life back on the road after a DUI.