Tax Havens, the Crisis of 2007 and Financial Regulations
Ronen Palan

Beyond Rising Sea Levels: Using the Insurance Asset to Manage Risk and Maximize Opportunity in the “Green” Economic Paradigm Shift
Lindene Patton


China in Africa: Think again
Deborah Bräutigam


Entrepreneurship in China
Yasheng Huang

Selling to the Poor
Aneel Karnani

Luxury Consumer Behaviour in Mainland China: What exists behind the facade of new wealth?
Pierre Xiao LU

Middle East
Islamic Finance: Is the Time Ripe for a Private Sector Trade Association?
Robert B Gray


The UK Bribery Act and Beyond – Preparing for Change
Michael W. Johnson


Too systemic to fail: Consequences, causes, and potential remedies
Raghuram Rajan

The United States of America or the Soviet Socialist States of America?
Richard Morrish

Leaving the Euro: Lessons from Argentina
Mario I. Blejer and Eduardo Levy-Yeyati

The Class Action Debate in Europe: Lessons from the U.S. experience
Lisa Rickard