Business-to-business (B2B) marketing and lead generation stand as among the most effective digital marketing trends in the business industry today. If you are a finance company, this doesn’t exempt you from having to push for these techniques. Because the competition has become even stiffer than ever, it is vital for you to reach potential customers and clients in the most effective way possible. With the population on the Internet increasing by the day, you have a wide customer reach to your advantage.

B2B Marketing and lead generation refer to the process of generating leads or looking for and reaching out to potential customers for your business. That said, if you are eager to learn more about these techniques, here are the best tips for you to apply as a finance company:

Create A High-Quality Website

If you want to attract a bigger audience into your website, it is imperative that you focus on creating one that is of high quality. Do not create a website haphazardly, without putting thought into what you are making. Remember that instead of a physical store, your website is the first thing that your potential customers will see and notice. Especially if they are new clients in your finance company, they will need to immediately find what it is they are looking for in your website, such as:

  • Investing in certificates of deposits
  • Learning about the latest finance offers
  • Checking the various rates available in your finance company
  • Opening a credit line
  • Opening a savings or checking account
  • Going for online banking or finance transactions

When you are competing against numerous other finance companies, it is important that you thrive and stay above the competition by offering solutions to some of the most common problems clients have. Keep in mind that there are still paradoxes in digitalisation, so it’s best that you are clear on where your website stands.

Create Amazing Content

If you think that content marketing isn’t part of B2B marketing, you are wrong. In fact, as a finance company, publishing amazing and relevant content on your website is still one of the foolproof ways for you to reach out to your leads and clients. Remember the fundamental point:

you need to show leads that you are offering services that form part and parcel of the solutions to their most basic and common financial concerns.

Apart from just posting articles about why they need the financial services that you are offering, besides other written content, you also have to post content in other media to stay above the competition. For you to effectively achieve this, remember the following strategies:

  • Engage your current audience by asking what it is that other clients might be looking for through forms and polls on your website and social media sites
  • Do your thorough research
  • Keep your terms simple and easy to understand, as finance can be entirely too technical
  • Embed keywords into your content, as they are still important and relevant
  • As a bonus, here’s an excellent B2B content marketing strategy for you to study and review, and eventually apply on your website.

Create Social Media Pages

Just because you are a finance company doesn’t mean that you can’t use social media to your advantage. On the World Wide Web, the highest population of Internet users can be found on social media pages. In fact, often, one Internet user can have at least two social media accounts. Hence, you should take advantage of this presence. Be on the most common and popular social media pages, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. If you can, enter the world of video marketing on YouTube as well.

When your presence is marked on social media, you are reaching out to these potential leads who are active on these platforms. Plus, it allows you to refine your lead generation process for a more specific target market. For example:

  • On Facebook, you can reach out to all forms of potential clients, from young millennials who have just started working and need help with their finances, to retiring couples who are looking towards the best financial solutions for their retirement.
  • On Instagram, you have to refine your strategy more to the market of young teenagers and young professionals, and even businesses on Instagram that may need your service.

Social media marketing as a facet of B2B marketing and lead generation isn’t as difficult as it seems, because you only have to be brief with your approach. You can use the idle time that you spend on social media instead for more productive purposes, such as focusing on generating leads.

Go For Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is one of the most effective techniques on the Internet for businesses to promote their brand. As a finance company, it is essential for you to remember that you are still a business after all. PPC advertising is aptly named as such because you are paid per click on your ads.

This defines the process of PPC: first, you create ads on the Internet that are shown by search engines during that quick but crucial period after a user does a search, and before organic search results come up. When an Internet user, potentially a lead, clicks on these ads, they are taken to a landing page, which is your website. In exchange for this, you pay search engines a very minimal click for every successful click or land to your site. With an effective PPC ad strategy in place, you can effectively reach customers before anyone else does.


With all these, it is essential to close by keeping in mind that an excellent lead generation strategy is always the backbone of B2B marketing. When you do this, remember that you aren’t just reaching out to random people or random clients. You are trying to grab the attention of these clients that you identify as leads, and who are going to be paying customers in your business. Hence, you are providing solutions to these leads to their common problems, such that they begin to realize that your service is what they are looking for.