Digital Skills

Digital skills are becoming increasingly important today, as the digital transformation continues to accelerate and businesses face increasing pressure to adapt rapidly and find new ways of doing things faster and more cost-effectively.

If you aren’t up to speed on the latest digital skills Singapore trends, you might risk falling behind your colleagues or peers. Fortunately, there are a number of resources that can help you keep pace with the changing virtual landscape. If you are searching for information on upcoming digital skills in Singapore this article is for you. Let’s get started.


This infographic depicts the essential digital skills that employees need today in Singapore. It also illustrates how valuable these skills are and the impact they can have on your career.

Looking at these numbers, you are probably interested to know how you can land one of these jobs yourself. The infographic will provide you with tips on the following topics:

  • How to get started with digital skills
  • What digital skills employers are looking for now
  • How the industry is evolving

Digital Literacy Curriculum for Adults

Singapore’s NEA has recently launched a fresh new guide to digital literacy standards in Singapore. The guide is designed for Singaporeans and permanent residents who are over 15 years old, and it can be used to assess your knowledge base in 5 key areas. The NEA hopes that these skills will equip Singaporeans with the necessary ability to use technology widely, confidently, and strategically.

Digital Skills Framework

The Digital Skills Framework provides a handy reference point for assessing the digital literacy of Singaporeans. It is also useful to employers who need to recognize employees’ technical skills and abilities.

Online Tutorials

Nearly every major government department and many private organizations provide comprehensive online tutorial services through their websites. You can find courses on how to use your smartphone, how to write a resume, how to differentiate between spam email, and much more. If you need help learning about digital marketing, consider signing up for one of the courses offered by Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI). You’ll get several hours of expert training directly from the experts themselves. Other key institutions offering online courses include the National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic, and the WO Community.

MOE’s Mobile Apps

MOE has launched a series of mobile apps to help you brush up on your digital skills, such as how to use your smartphone or tablet. You can also get useful tips on how to communicate through social media, how to produce an effective resume, and so on.

MOE’s Digital Literacy for Adults Module

All government departments have to offer mandatory training courses for employees who want to advance in their careers and take up higher-level positions. You can find out if a department offers these courses by contacting their human resources (HR) department.

Digital Skills

Edusave-Funded Courses

The Edusave award is a financial incentive that Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents can receive for pursuing post-secondary education. While most people are usually familiar with receiving the award for pre-tertiary education, there are also a number of online learning programs that are eligible for the Edusave award too, including digital skill development programs offered by MOE and ACMOSS.

It is clear that the pace of change in today’s workplace demands faster and deeper digital skills, and we are not just talking about social media. The reality is that employers are beginning to rely on employees’ technical skills, as many companies view digital skills as the way to carry out specific functions in a far more efficient manner.