Right CRM for Your Business

Choosing the right CRM for your business is an important task, because it will directly affect the quality of interaction with customers. However, due to the wide variety of such software, it may be difficult to select the option that is really suitable for you. Each CRM has its own set of tools and features that may be useful for one business and useless for another.

But don’t worry, we will help you! When choosing a new CRM for your business, there are a few things to consider. Let’s talk about them in more detail.

6 steps CRM

What do you want to receive?

It is important to immediately determine how the new CRM should help you. Below is a list of goals to be ranked in order of importance. This is how you determine which CRM tools your business needs. These are the goals:

  • Monitoring the actions of potential customers.
  • Control over the client base.
  • Control of the possibility and speed of closing.
  • Improvement of interaction between employees.
  • Individual reporting.
  • Organization of business processes.
  • Increasing profits.
  • Increasing productivity.


Implementing a new CRM is not always an easy process. Sometimes, you need the help of a specialist who will carry out the deployment process. And the process of learning and testing to eliminate system errors and implement the best solutions is an integral part of the implementation of such software. That is, even if you use crm for small business for free, you still need to spend money on training your employees and uploading your data to a new platform.

User Issues

Regardless of which system you choose, there will be those people among your employees who will not like the changes. The sales team may be wary of all these changes. Salespeople often show dissatisfaction with the implementation of CRM, as they are afraid that because of this they will lose their jobs.

Therefore, it is necessary to involve the sales team in the CRM selection process so that they understand the futility of their fears. So they will easily accept the new tool.

Product mobility

Most likely, employees will want to use the new software on different devices (phones, tablets, laptops). Therefore, we recommend choosing a tool with high mobility. In addition, the platform must be regularly updated in accordance with all modern technologies.

Process planning

CRM tools are developed for a large number of business processes. And this is good, because this way your business gets a lot of chances to develop. It is important to choose a flexible CRM with which you can control all processes. A good option is Bitrix24. It will grow with your business, adapting to all changes.

Compatible with existing software

Of course, compatibility with other systems is no longer a problem, since most applications connect via API, it’s still worth making sure that the system you choose can work together with other software.

Try demo

The demo version will help you to determine how good the system is, at no extra cost. So you test the product, identify its strengths and weaknesses, in relation to the needs of your business. Pay special attention to this stage to find the right option for you.


You may not have thought about this before, but reports are what will help you outperform your competitors. The point is that being able to watch all the changes will help you see wins, losses, and likely solutions for improvement. You may not even realize that current processes are not as efficient if you do not keep track of all the data. Bitrix24 has all the necessary reporting tools.

Make sure your sales team enters valid customer data. This will help determine the most appropriate products, services, pricing, and shipping requirements for your business.

Choosing the right CRM for your business is a responsible and sometimes time-consuming task. The information in our article will help you make the right decision. We wish prosperity to your business!