painless dentistry

In any business, there’s always room for growth. When it comes to dentistry, the case is no different. While the owner of a dental practice may have trained long and hard to become an expert in oral health care rather than business strategy, they are inevitably faced with the task of maintaining a balanced budget. The clear aligner industry has evolved to a large extent. There are now so many different options, such as at-home clear aligner methods. Read more about at-home clear aligners and what can be done to create a better smile from the comfort of your home.

If you’re currently a dentist in this position and are looking for new ways to increase the earnings of your practice, these tips may be just what the doctor ordered.  

Build a Website

In 2022, it should come as no surprise that you need a website to run any business effectively. Today, it is much more likely that your patients will look for you online before contacting you directly to find information and book appointments. 

Your website should also provide an active rather than passive experience. An active user experience means bringing services online, such as applications for new patients and appointment bookings available in digital forms. Moving these services online will attract more customers while also alleviating some of the workloads of your administrative staff. 

Online Marketing

Once you’ve established your web presence with a proprietary site containing digital service, your online marketing efforts can all connect to one central location. The best way to get the most out of online marketing is to trust the experts, so you’ll want to hire a social media specialist and a search engine optimization team to link the rest of your online marketing to your website. 

Since many of the most effective strategies in online marketing require at least some continual maintenance, it helps to hire professionals to handle this work rather than try to learn it all on your own. You can also encourage online reviews to support your online branding further. 

Sell Dental Scrap

While many of the best ways to increase earnings at your dental practice involve business services and marketing strategies, there’s one simple way to boost your earnings that doesn’t take any initial investment and very little extra labour: selling dental scrap. Due to the fact that oral health care appliances like 

  • Implants
  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Veneers

are often made of precious metals like 

  • Gold 
  • Silver
  • Palladium
  • Aluminum

their components remain valuable even after use. Since most patients have no use for their dental scrap, they will usually grant permission for the dentist to collect it. That dentist can then take such material to scrap dental gold buyers to be separated and refined for a valuable profit. 

Mobile Digital Services

In 2022, it is likely that almost all of your patients will have a smartphone or at least internet connectivity. Today, most digitally savvy customers don’t just appreciate digital services; they have come to expect them. As such, one of the best ways to establish your dental practice as a digitally connected business is to provide appointment reminders via text messaging and emails. 

While updating your dental practice for the digital world might seem daunting initially, there is no shortage of options to help boost your business. Of course, before you increase your marketing budget, the first step you should take to boost your earnings as a dentist is to ensure you’re selling your dental scrap to a company that provides good value for precious metals.