The LNG or liquid natural gas sector has always been a volatile one. Even though the recent trends show the sector growing and offering the companies more opportunities for saving energy. LNG is one of the world’s quickest-growing fuel resources. This is also due to the rise in demand in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Due to the developments in the LNG sector, natural gas has become more easily available. The LNG these days gets transported around the world in massive tankers making it a convenient alternative for gas producers and businesses.
Why LNG?
Due to the temperatures rising across the globe, there is no doubt about the fact that the energy industry needs to focus its efforts on lowering the adverse impact on the environment. In comparison to fossil fuels, LNG has a better future. If the whole thing is managed successfully, the implementation of liquid natural gas will improve the environmental performance of fuels. There are several ways in which the LNG is good for the global environment. It is also the reason why the global energy sector needs to make the LNG a top priority.
Decreases greenhouse gas emissions
LNG is used extensively in several business sectors including the marine, commercial, and road transport businesses. It is a low-carbon and clean burning fuel that can be easy to transport and it is far more efficient than its other alternatives. LNG has established itself as a good alternative to other fossil fuels in terms of its effect on the environment. It generates 30% less CO2 than fuel oil and also 45% less CO2 than coal. Combustion of LNG can evaporate far more quickly in the atmosphere than the heavier fuel oils. It will leave no residue or particles behind. It means there is less spread of oil after spills as it dissipates into the environment. Although the LNG still has an environmental footprint, it contributes far less in terms of carbon emissions.
Reliable and consistent supply
The LNG is a natural gas that gets cooled down to a liquid state. It is far more reliable than other fuels and it can be transported in big quantities. Apart from saving on carbon emissions, the LNG also has a greater energy density. It means a greater amount of energy can be stored and transported for a similar volume of other fuels. Although the LNG market has fluctuated quite a bit in the last few years, the producers have been consistent enough with the supply. But these LNG-producing companies have to shift how they conduct their business if they are looking to capture the real potential of LNG and also help in saving the environment. Some of the measures can be optimization of the supply chain, use of energy-efficient equipment, and continuously being on the lookout for saving alternatives.
Cleaner and more efficient atmosphere
There are many ways in which LNG contributes to cleaner air. For instance, natural gas burns efficiently and develops mostly water vapor and heat. It is also pretty cost-effective. An indicator by Joseph Sigelman shows that LNG releases more than 50% fewer greenhouse gases than compared to coal for the same quantity of electricity. But natural gas many times was successful in raising concerns as it is mostly made of methane which is almost as potent as greenhouse gases. Keep in mind that methane is the second largest reason for global warming. But there are some new technologies available such as microscopic nanotubes that decrease carbon emissions.
LNG is the cleanest burning fossil fuel. It is a fact that more use of LNG can lead to better air quality and decreased CO2 emissions. LNG not only releases less CO2 but also decreases nitrogen oxide emissions. There is no dust, fumes, or soot after using LNG. It also produces a significantly lesser quantity of mercury, sulfur dioxide, and other particulates. It was thanks to the advent of the LNG that CO2 emissions related to energy use reached an 18-year low in 2012. If the major industrialized states of Japan, China, India, Germany, and South Korea switch from the use of coal to LNG for power generation, we can get a significant amount of saving on greenhouse gas emissions.