Do you really need to hire a personal injury lawyer in Tacoma? Let us explore the reason that suggest hiring a personal injury attorney in Tacoma is the right thing to do.
Reason #1: Get a Favorable Outcome
A personal injury lawyer in Tacoma cannot guarantee that you will win the case, but the lawyer will certainly try to get you a favorable outcome. In cases involving emotional trauma, substantial injuries, or wrongful deaths, utilizing services of an experienced, knowledgeable, and diligent lawyer becomes important.
In a recent study it was found that clients benefit when they get legal representation. It was found that legally represented parties were able to obtain favorable outcome compared to those who were not represented by a lawyer.
Other similar studies show that:
- In a survey that analyzed personal injury plaintiffs it was found that people who were represented by a personal injury attorney in Tacoma had higher chances of receiving a payment compared to people who did not appoint an attorney.
- A similar study for injury claims related to auto insurance showed that plaintiffs were able to get higher amounts for damage recovery.
- Lastly, studies reveal that after a crash if victims hire a personal injury attorney in Tacoma then the average payment they receive is more than people who try to represent themselves (pro se claimants). In addition, the payment they received was enough to offset the expenditure on lawyer fees.
Reason #2: Navigate Intricacies of the Lawsuit
As a layman if you go to court as a pro se claimant and even make a plausible argument, there are very less chances that you will be able to understand complete scope of the litigation, tools that are available to lawyers during litigation, and the involved complexities of any litigation procedure.
Additionally, it is unlikely that the defense attorney or the judge will pay much importance to you as a pro se claimant.
Moreover, even when you are not interested in going to trial, hiring a competent lawyer will help you get a fair settlement. Personal injury attorney in Tacoma will also help you overcome the stress of a lawsuit and keep you update on how the case is progressing.
If you do not appoint a lawyer then it will be your own responsibility to make sure that all the proof burdens are satisfied, procedural aspects are followed, and damages incurred are accurately analyzed as well as calculated. In addition, you will have to ensure that every task is executed in right manner and in a timely fashion as per laws of the jurisdiction.
Reason #3: Easily Bear the Expenditure
It is possible that you are not in a position to hire injury attorneys in Tacoma due to the associated cost in the form of attorney fees. However, there is an option available known as contingency fee basis.
This means that you will not have to pay any upfront attorney fees. But, you will have to bear other expenses such as filing fees, court expenditure, compensation for expert witness, etc., irrespective of the outcome of the case. The benefit of contingency fee basis is that lawyer fees is to be paid only when you get a decision in your favor. Injury attorneys in Tacoma take their fees from total amount of damage that the court awards.
Oftentimes, courts may well order defendants pay for lawyer fees of the plaintiff. This helps a personal injury attorney in Tacoma incentivitize his selection of a lawsuit based on merit instead of claimant’s ability to pay.
Reason #4: Abide by Statute of Limitations
Statute of Limitations explain the maximum time period allowed from when the accident occurred to start the legal process of filing the claim. In case this deadline is missed, you will not be able to recover anything related to damages you have incurred.
The advantage of appointing a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer in Tacoma is that the lawyer will be fully aware of all the deadlines you have to abide by and guide you in the right direction so that you do not miss any of those deadlines. This way it will become easier for you to file all the required documents and increase the chances of getting the compensation you deserve.
In addition, the lawyer will be aware of procedures to follow while your claim is being investigated. For instance, lawyer can take care of paperwork to be completed, schedule damage inspection, and manage other complex details. Managing everything on your own can thus turn out to be an overwhelming endeavor, where mistakes can easily happen.
From above details it is quite clear that if you want to file a person injury lawsuit then appointing an experienced personal injury lawyer in Tacoma is the right thing to do. Whalley Law Group can guide you in the right direction when you are planning to file a lawsuit.
All you will have to do is contact us on our helpline number and our experts will try to fully understand the details so that they can guide you on the best possible action, which will help you get the right compensation.