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By Mostafa Sayyadi and Michael J. Provitera

When the sun comes up, the darkness gets bright. We see this nightmare almost constantly. Crises leaves a dull que that appears in nightmares that carry throughout the day. People often feel that they are thirsty and run down, no water to drink, and no one to help but onlookers in despair. Many countries are looking to save themselves from this crisis while slight problems surface daily in the most developed countries. Perhaps the world is getting closer to realizing this dream.

A few months ago, alarming news of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine spread through official news agencies. Many people in the Middle East and Africa were watching this great crisis with concern for their own states. A crisis that may be a terrible spark for much bigger crises such as hunger and war over available resources was not on their mind at first. The dread of an imminent nuclear war will satisfy a small population in these countries. A last resort unwelcomed by any means. Without help from developed countries, these hungry and frustrated people may never be able to cope. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 They do not have an airplane to board, nor a hope to even hang on to its wheels. An example of what happened to desperate Afghans fleeing the situation is a statement that appears in the minds of many.

At this point, how important are the people of the Middle East and Africa are to developed countries. Many of these people are now drowning in a sea of despair and fear of hunger and war. Many of these people have had the chance to immigrate to developed countries. And the large population in the form of refugee crisis has caused a new crisis in the world called the refugee crisis. And many cannot even leave their families and go to sea. They break down every day for fear of a worse future. War needs to full-stop and humanity crises donations need to surface. Wasted money on ammunition for what?

Perhaps a decade ago, the emigration of a person from these countries was accompanied by a small farewell party. There was still hope for improvement. And many were hoping to start small businesses in these countries. But now dreams may seem farther away than ever. Many people in these countries are being deprived of their most basic rights every day. Even having the right to breathe clean air is occasionally gone with the dust crisis has hit the Middle East and Africa more than ever.

Perhaps one of the main reasons for this unfortunate situation and the terrible nightmare of the policies of developed and rich countries towards these countries. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 It is enough to remember the masterpiece of the famous cartoonist of the Arab world, Ali Farzat, in the Guardian. Yes, what shows in this cartoon is the fear of thinking through clouds of thought. Thinking is the greatest and perhaps most unforgivable crime in the Middle East and Africa. And so many hopes and aspirations of young people to achieve a better life in these countries are collapsing. The feeling of betrayal and the unjust distribution of wealth and resources have also erased the remnants of hope and aspiration.

This frustration is growing. And the broad bureaucratic structures are incapable of solving the current problems 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and the dire consequences of the Ukraine war crisis, of which hunger is perhaps the most important consequence for the Middle East and Africa. And people are ignored in silence. Focusing on the deprived and harmed is a natural process but not focusing on those being afflicted by the war in Ukraine is worse. Play by play each day we see the news. Yet, what good does this do for the starving and devasted bystanders of this war.

In closing, the people of the Middle East and Africa are drowning in confusion and fear of the future. And more developed countries are just watching the current situation with the focus on Ukraine. We hope that this changes and that it does not have to be that way. Rather, more developed counties with smarter policies could help the Middle East and Africa through this crisis by including them on the coverage of this expansive war. Through smarter and more targeted assistance to the international institutions responsible for financial and educational assistance to these countries, the world could improve even slightly. A slight improvement may place a smile on the people inflicted by the war on Ukraine.

About the Authors

Mostafa-Sayydi (1)Mostafa Sayyadi works with senior business leaders to effectively develop innovation in companies and helps companies—from start-ups to the Fortune 100—succeed by improving the effectiveness of their leaders. 

Michael-J-Provitera (1)Michael J. Provitera is a senior faculty professor of Management and Leadership, in the Andreas School of Business at Barry University, Miami, Florida, USA . He is an author of Level Up Leadership: Engaging Leaders for Success, published by Business Expert Press.


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