Business Technology

The digital age never slows down, even when the global economy is facing massive supply chain problems, inflation is finally taking hold in every market segment, and the COVID pandemic wreaks havoc on small businesses. Regardless of the state of the business world, technology continues to transform industries large and small.

What are the newest wrinkles in this never-ending pattern of scientific and high-tech advancement? In addition to AI (artificial intelligence) showing up everywhere, other popular tech solutions that are gaining steam include fleet management solutions in the transport industry, worker scheduling programs, timecard management devices, on-site security programs that keep people and assets safe, and more. Here are details about some of the latest ways that technology is overhauling the very definition of commerce, economics, and business.

Fleet Management Solutions

Companies that transport goods have undergone a total revamping in the past decade. Most of that change is related to fleet management software and other solutions. For instance, transportation industry managers and owners routinely turn to reefer monitoring applications for cost-effective oversight of temperature controlled cargo. Plus, fleet programs allow on-site supervisors to monitor the location of any asset in motion. The same systems have the ability to keep trucks up to code when it comes to legal compliance issues related to refrigerated loads anywhere on the road. A decade ago, this kind of tracking, tracing, and compliance capability simply did not exist.

In the Cloud Data Storage

Today’s business enterprises generate vast amounts of data, and it all has to be stored somewhere. Using on-site servers is problematic for a number of reasons, not the least of which is lack of disk space. Of course, there are also security concerns related to maintaining sensitive databases and proprietary files on local servers. A cloud management platform and cloud-based data storage has changed everything. Not only can companies of all sizes park unlimited caches of data on cloud-based servers, but security is better, costs are lower and built-in redundancy means owners never have to worry about losing valuable information files.

Scheduling and Timecard Automation

In labor intensive companies that employ hundreds of workers in factory settings, the challenge of making schedules and keeping accurate timecard data has long been something managers dreaded. But new software turns this once grueling and sometimes maddening chore into a simple process of installing and activating one or more software products. Paychecks are keyed to automated, digitally stored data, and workers’ schedules are seamlessly created for each new time period.

High-Tech Security

Facial recognition devices are just one of the many ways corporate owners manage cybersecurity needs like controlling who can enter sensitive areas, maintaining accurate records of who attempted to access protected files, and more. Devices in common use for these same purposes also include things like fingerprint scanners, palm vein readers, and touchpad machines so employees can input unique digital codes. The price of high-tech security programs, systems, and machines has come way down in the past decade. That’s good news for small businesses who can purchase sophisticated protection even on a limited budget.