Shifting Scheduling No More a Hassle with Keka!

Shifting Scheduling No More a Hassle with Keka!

Today, it is naturally difficult to manage personnel scheduling and projects for companies with substantial workforce needs or operations that must be mission-critical. By site, division, or business unit, different scheduling procedures and guidelines may apply. Although manual tools like spreadsheets, whiteboards, and phone trees can be patched together to create a tailored solution, they are ineffective and cannot reach the scale and velocity needed to satisfy today’s dynamic corporate needs.

An intelligent shift scheduling software is the key to effectively managing the complexities of personnel scheduling and project management at scale. These contemporary automation solutions provide a comprehensive perspective of the workforce operations of a business, enabling data-driven decision making to boost productivity, increase operational agility, improve scheduling efficiency, and foster employee job satisfaction.

Project management solutions give businesses enough sway to increase profitability and free up time for expansion. Here, we emphasize how using project management software effectively gives enterprises an advantage over businesses that haven’t yet begun to digitize.

The Pros of Employee Shift scheduling Software

Project management software is essential for keeping projects and activities under control, as evidenced by ongoing business growth and technological advancements. You’d discover that, as a business owner with expansion aspirations, you’d require a variety of instruments to keep up with the times. Here are a few explanations on why project management software might be exactly what you require:

Streamlined Time Management and Scheduling

Never undervalue the importance of time management in an organization’s framework. The scheduling system in place can affect how productive and organized a normal workplace is. Efficiency is hampered without knowing who to report to or what order each work belongs in.

Planning and organisation are greatly improved by the use of project management software. The majority of the best project management software options are made to assist firms in handling even the most challenging jobs by specifying the order of significance for each work and in managing change.

Better Decision-Making Process

The difficult phase in every organization’s progress is the decision-making process. It necessitates accuracy, precision, and meticulous planning. Invariably, effective project management tools greatly aid in organizing this component.

Using the appropriate project management software that was created with industry best practices in mind lets you operate through your operations without hiccups when you have a tone of project time and cost data. Enhanced visibility and control produce the best outcomes.

Enhanced Internal and External Communication

Any business that wants to grow can suffer greatly from communication breakdowns, regardless of organizational hierarchy. Increasing real-time collaboration among enterprises is one of the main objectives of project management software.

Organizations gain from good communication between users, teams, departments, and stakeholders thanks to project management systems that work. Projects are managed more effectively and intelligently since everyone has access to the same real-time information, and data is no longer segregated.

Budget Management

Projects typically involve expenses and costs, which naturally center on budgeting. Additionally, it is already known that businesses indirectly seek to maximize profit.

The human effort and hours required for invoice computation are eliminated by using an automated invoicing procedure. Instead of attempting to locate and prepare the data for analysis, project managers should be digging deep into the data.

Second, it is simpler to allocate funds when there are reports and charts showing how past and ongoing projects are progressing. A 2017 analysis by PMI that states that businesses who have 80 percent of their projects completed on schedule save more money on their budgets effectively demonstrated this.

Choosing a right shift and project management software: 

Choosing the proper tool affects how you manage your tasks, team members, time, and communication. You may complete tasks on schedule and maintain organization of all your work by using the proper tool. It is crucial to choose a tool that works for you.

Depending on what you need, project management and shift scheduling software range from Ultra-lite to Structured. When selecting project management software, there are a few fundamental elements you should consider.

Schedule management

As projects are transient, scheduling is one of the most crucial software functions. To maintain strong collaboration over your projects, you must have the option to adjust deadlines, dependable tasks, buffers, and other factors.

Reports and dashboards

The easiest way to gain a strategic overview of the projects’ status is through dashboards and reports. In particular, you must be aware of how things stand at the closing of each week or month. You should seek for a project management tool that organizes all the data pertaining to budget, schedule, team performance, and resource usability into a structured document. You may get a high-level overview of the various projects using the graphs and visual metrics in the project overview.

You can quickly learn the status of each project, how many are finished, and how much time and money were spent on various initiatives. You can find out where your team struggles and where it might do better by creating reports. You may also improve the allocation of resources and the computation of budgets and expenses by using data-driven recommendations.

Kanban View

A Kanban board is a simple tool for tracking progress and visualizing your work. What has to be done and where tasks are stalled are both clearly apparent.

You’ll get a clear view of the situation here by looking at a summary of resource allocation vs. use. It will aid you in allocating unused resources to tasks that require support.

Centralized-data Store

There are numerous moving pieces in projects. Every time something changes, you need to be aware of the effect of each variable on the others. In other words, check for factors that aid in the analysis of resource allocation and trade-offs as they relate to the overall timeline of your project. Your system ought to enable you to store all of your files in a single, central database for simple sharing and rapid access. It is extremely helpful when working in distributed teams or with clients who can provide immediate feedback.

Task management

Users can keep track of tasks and subtasks via task management. For instance, the task “create a blog” can be broken down into the subtasks of copywriting, editing, and SEO optimization. These smaller duties are all carried out by various team members. Task prioritization, deadline setting, and improved teamwork are all possible.

Communication and Collaboration

A collaboration tool will assist you maintain information flow so that everyone is informed if you need to speak with your team frequently. Additionally, search for software that offers a chat platform, task management for the project team, and a mechanism to track version changes. When a task is finished, a deadline is coming, or something demands your attention, you need to be informed right away. No matter where you are, you can stay connected thanks to smartphone alerts.


Project management software must provide automatic time tracking, especially if you wish to offer your clients flexible billing. With the help of these tools, you can keep track of the time spent on each activity and combine it with other information to produce an in-depth project report that you can distribute to team members and clients.

Way to find an ideal software?

Even the trickiest shifts and projects are made simple with the best shift scheduling software, allowing you to sit down, establish your schedule, and go on to more important tasks.

For instance, Keka includes every tool required to communicate with your team, manage labor expenditures, and optimize your staff.

You can easily construct the best schedule you can, distribute it with ease, make modifications, and manage time-off requests with the help of all of Keka’s cloud-based capabilities, from the time clock to payroll calculations.

When you double-book a team member or cause a conflict in another area of your schedule, Keka even offers advice and warnings.

Keka is known to be one of the best shift planning tool for streamlining your company’s work schedule as a result of all of this.

The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of The World Financial Review.