
Conferences and events are the backbone of many industries. World-changing ideas and partnerships are forged at events such as these, whilst new brands flourish and well-established ones continue to innovate. Do you think there is room for a new conference or event in your industry? Here is what it will take to set up one yourself.

A Purpose

More than anything, your event needs to have a purpose behind it. Just simply offering a chance for networking is not enough. Networking takes place at every conference. You need a stronger reason for people to come together.

One of the easiest options that you have is to offer a platform for the experts of your industry to share the innovations and changes for the year ahead. From IFGS for FinTech to the E3 Expo for the video game industry, there are massive events each year that bring together thousands of people all with the purpose of discussing what could happen in their respective industries in the future. Even more casual conferences like San Diego’s Comic-Con will bring together fans from all over the world to celebrate their favourite films, TV shows, and more. To build a successful event, it must have purpose behind it.

A Trusted Partner

Even if you have some knowledge of event planning, there is a chance that you will have never done it on the scale of an international conference. Therefore, it is crucial that you find a trusted partner to help you plan it. One of the most valuable resources you can rely on is a professional conference staff. These experienced individuals specialize in organizing large-scale events and have the necessary expertise to handle the complexities involved in managing an international conference.

Deciding where to host your event will be one of the first decisions, so finding a local logistics partner will be incredibly helpful. The UK, and specifically a major city like London, is the perfect international hub to host such an event, and companies like RX Global have plenty of experience hosting events such as the one that you have planned.

Key Speakers

As a new and upcoming event, there is a chance that no one will be that interested at first. You need to be able to give potential delegates a reason as to why they would wish to attend. The easiest way to do this? A panel of expert key speakers.

Now might be the time for you to call on some of the favours you are owed! If you have a few interesting contacts within your industry, reach out to them and see what it would take to get them as a speaker. Arrange an interesting agenda of panels and try to fill them with the best speakers you have access to. Then, get promoting! You should be able to generate a lot of interest in your event!

Events are hard. If you are going in with just your reputation, you are going to have to put in the work to ensure that people want to attend. Expect this to be far more work than you initially anticipated, but it could also be one of the best things you ever do. Got an idea for an event in your industry? See what it would take to set it up today!