The buzz about the DVR security system in the security surveillance industry is not without cause. DVR basically stands for Digital Video Recorder, which is not only a hassle-free surveillance system but also offers a pocket-friendly solution to your security system. The technology stands a bit different from the surveillance systems. Integrated with a DVR storage memory card, all the digital security cameras linked to the network capture video footage which are automatically stored in the hard drive. This inevitably adds to the security quotient where you monitor and recheck the stored video clips at any time. 

Now the storage capacity must be according to the number of cameras linked to the system, and the frames captured per second so that your security management system runs smoothly for a longer time. Now amongst many competitive DVR systems in the market, Hikvision DVR calls for a mention. However, before you think of investing in one, it is better to know why you must get a DVR security system. 

Why should you choose Hikvision security cameras?

Why DVR 

DVR security systems are advanced and technologically superior to traditional video security systems. These DVR systems come with high-resolution digital image recording. Not only, that but in-built storage allows convenient recording, playback, and enhanced accessibility of the videos. With improved tech support many DVR systems come with low light sensitivity mode and night vision mode. This kind of feature equips your DVR system to capture images even under poor light conditions. Auto recording, retrieval of old data, etc. are also some of the features worth mentioning. 

Seamless Storage and Retrieval of Data

Traditional systems came with a ton of drawbacks, some of the major ones being storage and retrieval of data. The traditional recorder systems are used to record in VHS cassette tape. But the basic problem these tapes were bulky in size, took lots of storage space. At the same time retrieving required footage of a certain or an hour of a day, would seem like a job of ages. This analog system was there neither user-friendly nor convenient when it comes to recording and retrieving. DVR systems replace this storage issue with smart digital recording, in-built storage, seamless archiving. 

Remote Monitoring

When you are not at home or your security surveillance room, it does not mean that you cannot check on the footage. DVR system allows you to remotely access the real-time recording and archived footage on your computer, smartphones, or laptops after connecting to the internet. This indeed enhances your security strength, since you can keep a monitor from anywhere the surveillance area covered by a camera, connected to the DVR system. 

Video Compression

Video or motion picture can be stored in formats like JPG, JPEG, MPEGAV, MPEG-4, etc. However, the smart technology of DVR systems of Hikvision DVR allows you to store the video in the required format so that not only is it easy to play but also easy to store.  Besides, advanced DVR systems also allow you to store compressed files without diminishing the quality so that you can save storage space as well. DVRs provide several different compression technologies. 

Besides all these advantages, it is also quite simple to upgrade from a VCR security system to a DVR security system. What you need to do is plug the existing CCTV camera into the DVR system and start recording immediately. For higher security and protection, Hikvision DVR systems come with an integrated password protection system. This means, to access the recording archive, one needs to provide a password. This system secures the record even when you are accessing it remotely. Therefore, if you are still using the old VCR system, upgrade it today to enjoy the improved security measures. 

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