Virtual Revenue Streams

Building income online has been an age old topic by internet entrepreneurs focusing on appeasing online consumerism. It is a dream commitment for any blogger and a long-term pursuit of every content creator on the internet to find a way to build fast and easy income streams. 

But the sad reality is that very few people can build up multiple or even a single source of passive income online. Let’s see why and how you can improve your chances.

Generating the right organic traffic

The first thing that comes to the mind of every content creator is to research their market niche before diving deep into creation. Knowing your audience is the first step to cater to their needs, search queries or genuine interests.

Finding the right pattern between fresh content and public interest is the way to generate larger interest in what you have to say and eventually sell to an audience. We can talk about social media posts, keyword optimized content and paid advertising. But generating the right organic traffic through market research is the first step of the way for every individual blogger or online business.

Using SEO tools for this can help find a significant portion of a preferred audience. But generating organic traffic by itself is insufficient for building high paying revenue streams and is only the first step of virtual income. Let’s delve deeper into why MQLs should be your next step of the way.

Making sales through MQLs

MQLs or marketing qualified leads are the next step of our sales journey to achieve a more efficient income stream. MQLs mainly indicate the interest in what your brand or the brand you represent has to offer based on marketing efforts.

Having researched and engaged in building content on your domain to attract your desired audience, its time to take them to their first step. This first step is their first interaction with your brand. You are creating a sales funnel, by leading people through your content that answers certain interests or questions, while leading them to your domain. 

This is where a landing page helps in generating your MQLs who is not yet familiar with you, but is primarily interested in engaging with you. To get them on the hook, a strong landing page would be able to get your first 

Compensating for Lack of PLG Structures

Many SaaS or B2B firms have a powerful product or service that they’re using for product led growth campaigns to appease their leads. But for the average content creator who is not a professional software developer or product owner, they must resort to other ways of generating sales to stabilize their virtual income. 

This is where affiliate marketing comes into play to help make the most use of MQLs. It is highly likely that most websites one encounters does not own brand a personal brand. So just like most beginners, they choosing affiliate programs that are similar to their brand or business. This can help compensate for lacking a product that would help in marketing effort.

Prioritizing Growth

So we’ve looked through organic traffic generation through adjusted content building, MQLs and compensating for PLGs. But there is one more important aspect of finding the best way to build various income streams. And that is ironically to focus less on the financial aspect of an online business and more on appealing to the public.

Having an aggressive marketing approach to dig into everyone’s wallet can be outright repulsive. In contrast, prioritzing growth marketing through free content and improved user experience can eventually boost sales. 

Final Remarks

Generating passive income is no easy task. The barrier of entry are extremely low thanks to quick access to webhosting, affiliate programs and software to help a website run smoothly. However having the right marketing tactics for lead generation and conversions can immensely help an online business or a humble content creator build his or her own doorway to multiple income streams online.