Why Information Providers Need To Be Open To Sharing in Their Business Models
Joshua Gans

Enterprise Risk Management. A need to hasten the obliteration of legacy IT systems
Anna DeSimone

The Limits to Outsourcing: Beware of the Consequences for Market Success!
Masaaki Kotabe, Michael J. Mol, Janet Y. Murray & Ronaldo Parente

The Oreo Story: How Kraft Turned America’s Favorite Cookie into a Chinese Classic
Michael J. Silverstein, Abheek Singhi, Carol Liao & David Michael


Everyone Leads
Paul Schmitz

A Story About Inspiring A Local Community To Become Entrepreneurial Using Lessons Learnt From IT Management Consultancy
Yiannis Kanellopoulos

Global Tourism and Travel Industry: Performance During the Double-Dip Recession and Recommendations for Transition to a Green Economy
Maharaj Vijay Reddy


How rapidly should Africa go Green? The tension between natural abundance and economic scarcity.
Paul Collier & Anthony J. Venables

Middle East
Oil for Food: Big Business in the Middle East
Eckart Woertz


Transport and the Environment in Asian Megacities

Shinya Hanaoka


Calgary, Canada: A Global Energy and Financial Centre

Paul Paynter & Rachel Yin

Innovation in Canadian Natural Resource Industries: A System-Based Analysis of Performance, Policy and Emerging Challenges 
Andrew Sharpe


Macro-Prudential Supervision in Europe’s Banking Union
Dirk Schoenmaker


Sistema, Power Networks and Informal Governance in Putin’s

Alena Ledeneva


Latin America
The Silicon Valleys of Latin America – Searching For “Shared Value” Development Models
Luciano Ciravegna