Ever noticed Dynamic Recovery Solutions appearing on your credit report, causing your score to drop to an all-time low? With your busy schedule, it is easy to overlook unpaid bills. That is why creditors are coming after your account. Excessive due notices, harassing phone calls, and threatening emails may cause discomfort to you. Wondering how to get rid of them?
Once the three major credit reporting bureaus (Transunion, Experian, and Equifax) received a collection account report, this can stay in your credit report for seven years. Dealing with them as soon as possible can save your credit score from further damage. Below are key strategies you can follow to repair a credit report that DRS, LLC has attacked.
What Is Dynamic Recovery Solutions?
This agency or DRS as it is known, is one of the many debt collection agencies in the United States. Based in Greenville, South Carolina, DRS, LLC is a legitimate late-stage debt collector for several industries. The list of sectors that DRS is serving are as follows:
- Legal services
- Banking
- Real estate
- Healthcare
- Retail
- Student loans
- Utilities
- Telecommunication
DRS is a debt collection company with over 100 employees. In 2019 alone, DRS generated a total of $10 million in revenue. DRS, LLC might appear to your credit report as “dynamic recovery services.” To know more about dealing with Dynamic Recovery Solutions, click here.
How Does Dynamic Recovery Solutions Operate?
This agency has collectors that come after your old debt. They will require you to send a specific amount of money to settle any outstanding balance reflected in your account. This company will have no qualms about hounding you until you make your payment.
Creditors usually hire this company’s services when a student loan, medical bill, or debt remains unpaid. Original creditors do this process to save resources while milking money off of your account.
You might even notice the same debt being reflected twice on your credit report. One is for the original creditor’s account, and the other is for DRS, LLC. Save yourself from unnecessary anxiety and frustration and deal with DRS as early as now.
Removing Dynamic Recovery Solutions From Your Credit Report
Once DRS starts contacting you about an unpaid bill, it is better to quickly and strategically respond to them. If you are lucky, resolving conflicts with DRS might be as easy as submitting debt validation letters.
But it is best to prepare for more complicated transactions that will require professional help. Check the strategies listed below to take the initial step of repairing your credit report. Act now and avoid further credit troubles.
- Submit A Debt Validation Letter To Dynamic Recovery Solutions
As a citizen of the United States, you have several consumer rights protected by key federal laws: Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Under these laws, DRS, LLC is required to present a debt validation letter to you. They are also forbidden from partaking in the following activities:
- Misrepresenting the company or any debt information
- Contacting you after being told not to
- Making phone calls before 8 am and after 9 pm
- Calling you during business hours
- Calling your family, friends, or colleagues regarding your debt
- Disclosing any personal information such as your name and social security number
- Attempting to collect debt past statute of limitations
- Using abusive and profane language
- Threatens to garnish your salary
- Reporting false debt information
If any of the issues mentioned above arise, it is best to seek legal counsel already. Just keep in mind to only communicate via Certified US Mail. And never agree on anything via phone call. At this stage, you have nothing big to worry about yet. DRS rarely has enough documentation to pursue further payments. Contact them within 30 days, and all will be well.
- Negotiate For Partial Payment
If it’s too late for you to dispute your claims with DRS, be prepared to negotiate. When you negotiate for a partial payment on your account with DRS, they might agree to remove their collection accounts from your credit report.
Most collection agencies will refuse to disclose this information, but reduced payments are always better than no payment at all. Just remember to always negotiate through writing so you can assure that your transactions are well-documented.
After making the necessary payments, you will notice an improvement in your credit score. But if the collection account is still present in your credit report after 30 days, you should send them a letter of inquiry.
- Seek Professional Help
If the problem isn’t resolved still after you’ve done everything, it is time for you to seek professional help. A reputable credit repair company can help fix any trouble that your credit report is in. You may see quick and convenient results after getting the help of a professional.
Dealing with debt collectors can be nerve-wracking. But resolving issues with companies such as DRS is the only solution you have. Whether you’ll want to deal with them alone or with a professional, it’s always important to know what works to your advantage. Review our recommended strategies and let them help you with your situation.
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