Old Solutions For New Generations? The Big Four’s Struggle To Retain Young Talent In...
By Guido Gianasso
Confronted with a very high turnover of young talent, Asian companies in the financial and consulting sectors are trying to address the...
Challenges for the Next Stage of Globalisation: The Factor of Ukraine
By Vasyl Yurchyshyn
We argue that the fight of Ukraine for independence against Russian aggression is the principal event of the modern stage of globalisation.
Renewable Energies in Germany
By Josephen Pomaah, Anton Burmester, Giuseppe Petaroscia, and Michael Palocz-Andresen
Europe is facing a global energy crisis. Many countries, Germany in particular, have become increasingly...
From the Middle Out and Bottom Up: The Belt and Road Initiative at 10...
By Xiangming Chen
The year 2023 marks the tenth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a transcontinental connectivity project launched by China in...
The New Cold War: Struggle for Global Domination (Part 2)
By Kalim Siddiqui
This is part 2 of this series of articles on the New Cold War. (Link to Article Part 1) Kalim Siddiqui concludes...
Myths of China’s Global Inflation, Deflation Risks
By Dr. Dan Steinbock
In early spring, international pundits portrayed China’s...
Embracing Sustainability: Greening the Supply Chain in the United States
By Jerry Haar
The drive towards green supply chain management in the US is halfway towards achieving success. Industry leaders have made sustainability a priority,...
The Rich Tapestry of India’s ESG Ideology: Insights from its Ancient Scriptures and Practices
By Srinath Sridharan
In today's rapidly changing world, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles are gaining significant traction, as societies across the globe recognise the...
U.S. Banking Crisis in a New Stage of Contagion
By Dr. Dan Steinbock
In view of the Fed, American banking crisis is over. Yet, US and European banks face the...
A Week to Remember in Finance: From the Silicon Valley Bank Crash to Panic...
By Emil Bjerg, journalist and editor of The World Financial Review
Historic bank collapses in the US, panic in the European bank sector. The recent...