Ethics in Finance: Why is it such a problem?
By John Hendry
Despite the best efforts of all concerned, the financial sector continues to have a bad reputation for illegal and unethical behaviour and...
Turning a Blind Eye to the Political Promise of the Financial Crisis
By Adrian Parr and Brad Evans
The financial crisis of 2008 catapulted the world into one of the worst financial upheavals since the Great Depression...
The Bubble Economy: Is Suitable Growth Possible?
By Robert U Ayres
How can risk spreading from the bankers to their customers or the taxpayers be reversed? Below, Robert U Ayres argues that...
The China Model: a Civilizational-State Perspective
By Zhang Weiwei
China’s dramatic rise should be understood in the context of China as a civilizational state, i.e. an amalgam of the world’s oldest...
From Hyper-Finance to Secular Stagnation & Mass Unemployment
By Michel-Henry Bouchet and Robert Isaak
In this article, the authors advocate policies to counter the decoupling of finance from the real economy of productive...
The Convenient Choice: Investing in Solutions for a Better Future
Sasja Beslik is Head of Responsible Investments at Nordea Assets Management, one of the leading asset managers in Europe when it comes to developing...
Collective Life Capital: The Lost Ground of the Economy
By John McMurtry
In this analysis, the author definitively explains collective life capital as the missing base of the economy under systemic attack by life-blind...
Why Have Politicians Abandoned Economic and Financial Policies to Non-Elected Bankers?
By Rodrigue Tremblay
Since 1999, non-elected bankers have been in charge of economic policy in the US and other countries, with questionable results. Are we...
We Will Not Stop Talking about Racism
By Lawrence Ware and Rebecca Martinez
Many white people want to stop talking about racism. Consciousness implies action, and that kind of talking about race,...
Financial Oligarchy vs. Feudal Aristocracy
By Ismael Hossein-zadeh and Anthony A. Gabb
In this article the authors explore how modern capitalism mirrors the feudal system of centuries ago where today,...