EU Post-Crisis Resilience and Fragility: Collateral Damage or Global Recovery
By Irene Finel-Honigman
There is a perception of steady economic recovery across the post-sovereign debt crisis within the European Union (EU) and the Eurozone....
Usury in the 21st Century
By Richard Westra
Neoliberal deregulation commencing in the closing decades of the 20th century put into play a global financial system which operates as a...
Keynes, Kant and Capital Flows
By Oliver Bush
This is an abridged and altered version of Bush, O, Farrant, K and Wright, M (2011), ‘Reform of the International Monetary and...
Does Sustainable Performance Mean Abandoning Capitalism?
By Martin P. Thomas and Mark W. McElroy
We introduce multi-capitalism and the MultiCapital Scorecard as a means of extending capitalism to include social...
How Will China Rebalance?
By Michael Pettis
China urgently needs to rebalance its economy, but how it chooses to do so should not be constrained by undue focus on...
After Liberalism: Complexity in the Governance of a Networked Global Society
By Hilton L. Root
Below, in an excerpt from Dynamics Among Nations: The Evolution of Legitimacy and Development in Modern States, Hilton L. Root argues...
Putting Executive Pay in Context
By David De Cremer
Before the financial crisis executive pay in the finance sector had skyrocketed; bonuses were no longer given to reward hard and...
Making Sustainable Attainable
By Ian Brooks
From its early beginnings as a financially risky and purely philanthropic venture, Sustainable Investing has evolved into not only a viable but...
How to Defeat Western Neo-Colonialism
By Andre Vltchek
The West managed to build its wealth, including the social nets, on plunder, deception, slavery and countless holocausts on all continents of...
US 2016 Election Is a Global Risk
By Dan Steinbock
As America is struggling amid a historical protest election, the political risk could undermine US economic rebound and the lingering global economic...