GLOBAL TRENDS: Facing Up to a Changing World
By Adrian Done
How much time do you dedicate to thinking about the REALLY BIG issues that are likely to affect your personal and professional...
From Deep Globalisation to the Risk of Deglobalisation: the Rise of Local-Contentism
By Marcos Troyjo
As the world transitions from ‘Deep Globalisation to Deglobalisation’, economic policies based on a ‘Doctrine of Local Content’ take center stage. As...
Current Economic Development is Unsustainable. How Can We Reverse this Trend?
By Jacques Prescott
In 1987, with the publication of the Brundtland report, the world was confronted once again with the dire reality of a collapsing...
Can Capitalism Save the Environment?
By Tabitha M. Benney
Developing economies can provide an invaluable contribution to the effort to prevent further climate change. Below Tabitha M. Benney illustrates how...
New Capitalism: A Holistic Approach to Development
Interview with Jan Sturesson
Jan Sturesson is Global Leader of Government and Public Services Industry at PwC. In the following interview with The World Financial...
Why Trump’s Anti-Globalisation Agenda is Bad for America
By Devashish Mitra
The Trump administration has been capitalising on the “dark-side of globalisation”. However, Devashish Mitra advances that an anti-globalisation campaign might not be...
Failed Statebuilding versus Peace Formation: The Consequences and Implications over the Last 25 Years
By Oliver P. Richmond Recent years have seen an abundance of foreign intervention to achieve peace and statebuilding.
TTIP: The Suicide of Nations
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
The TransAtlantic and TransPacific Trade and Investment Partnerships (TTIP and TTP) are trade agreements between the US and the EU...
Lessons from the Microsoft Antitrust Cases
By Andrew I Gavil and Harry First
For three decades Microsoft has been engaged with the global system for enforcing competition policy. In an excerpt...
From the “Tragedy of the Commons” to the Tragedy of Enclosures
By Olivier De Schutter and Katharina Pistor
If the enclosures movement that swept through England in the 18th century was the general rehearsal, the play...