Tadatoshi Akiba: “The Goal of The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is...
A conversation with the former mayor of Hiroshima on nuclear weapons By Joseph Mazur
The city of Hiroshima will forever live in the memory...
Two Hundred Years Of Talking About Climate Change
By Joseph Mazur
Back in the 1970s, when I was a graduate student at MIT, there were a few weeks of cafeteria conversations among earth...
How False Beliefs In Vaccines Follow Coincidences
By Joseph Mazur
Statistics can show evidence, but it cannot prove that one thing causes another. Hidden variables can tell us a great deal about...
Trends and Prospects of De-Dollarization in the Rapidly Changing Global Economy (Part One)
By Dr Kalim Siddiqui
The rise of the US dollar to become the globally preferred currency for trade and financial transactions was a carefully orchestrated game of chess. However, certain nations intent on achieving an equitable...