Can You Purchase a House Using Cryptocurrency?


Over the past few years, cryptocurrency has increased in popularity to the point that it is now a common mode of funds exchange among the general population. 

With the introduction of NFTs and far more accessible crypto investment services, hearing someone invest in Bitcoin or Ethereum is no longer a surprise.

However, as the use of cryptocurrencies, or “crypto,” grows increasingly popular, a few problems arise. What, for instance, could you spend it on? Could you use a substantial quantity of Bitcoin stored in a virtual vault to purchase an asset like a house?

Buying a home using bitcoin may be tricky, but it’s possible. Let’s look at what cryptocurrency really is and how you can use it to purchase a house.

How is Cryptocurrency Defined?

Cryptocurrency is a decentralized, digital payment system that is based on blockchain technology. Cryptocurrencies can be exchanged for products and services just like actual money, except that not every vendor accepts them as a viable mode of payment. 

Cryptocurrencies entered the global financial market way back in 2008 with the introduction of Bitcoin, which was created as a fully decentralized peer-to-peer payment method.

There are numerous varieties of cryptocurrencies available today, with Bitcoin, Ethereum, and, most recently, Dogecoin being the most widely traded. 

You may purchase cryptocurrencies using a variety of exchange apps and websites, with Coinbase and Robinhood being two of the most prominent. Numerous internet brokers now provide crypto investment opportunities as well.

What is the Mechanism?

So how do cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin function? Once you’ve swapped your real money for its cryptocurrency counterpart online, a record of your transaction is stored in the blockchain. 

A blockchain is essentially a database that keeps data in “blocks” linked together in the order in which transactions occur. Keep in mind that the data is irreversible and public, which means that transactions are permanently exposed to anybody who wishes to examine them. 

All Bitcoin transactions are associated with a Bitcoin address. Your address functions similarly to a pseudonym in that it does not directly identify you as the receiver or sender of funds. 

As a result, using cryptocurrency to purchase real estate becomes more problematic when lenders seek to verify the source of the funds, and especially those who submitted the payment. 

Paying a mortgage using Bitcoin can be tricky too. However if you want  to learn more about cryptocurrency mortgage payments, 1st UK money discusses it here.

How to Invest in Real Estate Using Bitcoin

Given the anonymous nature of cryptocurrencies, is it then possible to purchase real estate using Bitcoin or any other crypto? 

Sure, you can buy a house with Bitcoin, but only if both the buyer and the seller agree. Additionally, you’ll need to locate title insurance and escrow providers who are comfortable with Bitcoin transactions rather than traditional fiat currencies. 

If you can locate all of the above, you’re quite likely to pay in Bitcoin or Ethereum; there haven’t been many cases of purchasers paying in other sorts of cryptocurrency yet.


Unlike buying a property with cash, paying using cryptocurrency can expedite the home-purchase process by eliminating the usual mortgage process’s barriers. 

If you bring sufficient cryptocurrencies to the table in order to purchase the home upfront, as you would with cash, this can help strengthen your offer and expedite the process. 

Keep in mind that all the parties involved in the process are comfortable with the cryptocurrency you are paying with. 

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