Small business technology

Technology has been rapidly changing for years now. This offers huge opportunities for both million dollar companies and smaller businesses. Innovating in technology can boost your business in many ways, offering new possibilities and great competitive advantage. In this blogpost, I will talk about three possible, accessible ways in which technology can be beneficial for your small business. 

Automate your business processes

Helpsystems has BPA solutions to help companies achieve their business objectives. Business process automation – often referred to as BPA – is the process of automating complex and often repetitive processes through the use of technology. This can be extremely beneficial in terms of service quality, can be very cost efficient and can also offer a huge competitive advantage. Business process automation is often being considered as an expensive solution that is only beneficial for bigger companies, but thanks to platforms like Triggre that is definitely not the case anymore. Triggre allows you to create your own custom applications within days (or even within hours!) through templates and without the need for any coding experience (source: 

Interested in building your own custom application for your business? Click here to find out more.

Consider using a CRM-system

If you run a company and you are already working with a CRM-system, you probably cannot imagine working without it. It’s not for nothing that more and more organisations decide to implement a CRM-system to boost their business. Today, a good customer experience is more important than ever before. If we don’t live up to the expectations, customers can and will leave us in the blink of an eye. Through the use of a CRM-system, a company will get a deeper, more holistic understanding of their client base. This can be used to offer a personalized customer experience, which will make customers feel delighted and more valued. Other than that, a CRM-system keeps everyone in your business organized and it allows employees and complete different departments to work together in a more efficient way. CRM software is even useful for property owners/landlords, such as using some of the top leasing CRM for rentals available to make life that much easier.  

Protect your company from data breaches

As a result of digitalization, businesses nowadays store loads of important and highly sensitive data online or in the cloud. This obviously has a lot of advantages, but at the same time it’s more important than ever before to make sure that a company’s data is stored securely and safely. A breach can make you lose confidential information and it could strongly affect the trust of your customers. There are certain ways to protect your company from data breaches, such as encryption and security software.